First Snow.

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A certain aquarium in Seattle.

"Isaac said that, this Joel Miller guy is in Jackson. And maybe the immune kid is with him."

Standing in the middle of the group is Abby Anderson. Muscular, build like a bull, presumably the leader of te small crew.

"So we go there, find him, and hopefully find the kid."

"Let's hope that pendejo is still alive by the time we arrive." Manny, the one with the funny looking ponytail said.

Abby is still holding a grudge against the man that killed and ended the Fireflies and the gang knows it.

"He better be." Abby answered, gripping her fist hard.


Jackson Community.

"So uh.... (Y/N) told me about the new ones. They're usually hiding behind tress, and I actually witnessed some myself."

Ellie is giving the patrol team of Jackson her report regarding the new species of infected.

"Sounds like ninjas. They could be trouble." Jesse adds in, not liking what Ellie's telling them.

"Not could. They are trouble. I don't know how (Y/N) did it but, he told me he tried different methods to get rid of them." Ellie continues.

"Wait, he survived them multiple times?" Jesse couldn't believe what he just heard.

The whole team started gossiping, whispera and small talks filled the meeting room.

"Sure is. I went there to look for him but, he had already planned everything. Only thing I did was threw a grenade and, boom. The five stalkers that crept up on him got blasted."

"At least you did something. You saved his life." Dina speaks up beside Jesse.

"Technically, he had everything figured out. I was there and he just gave me the grenade."

"Kid got some talent. Would be a waste to just let him leave." Tommy's statement was met with mixes reviews from the others.

Given his accomplishment, some think he's needed for Jackson's strength, while some thinks that he's a problematic kid who's looking to die. The boy stays in Jackson yet he gets to defied Maria.

"Oh please." Rebecca protest.

"The boy thinks he's so better than us that he preferred to go and face the horde alone. I'm not judging his capabilities, but if he thinks he can survive out there by himself, let him."

Somehow that comment raised the blood in Ellie.

"He don't think, he is better. If any of you goes with him will just slow him down anyways." And that reply from Ellie isn't taken kindly by Rebecca.

"Slow him down!? What is he? A T800?"


Maria gets in the middle, breaking the argument between the two.

"(Y/N) promised to clear the infected, and he delivered. Whether he changes his mind about staying or leaving, is up to him. Now, three days from now, we resume patrols around Alpine Valley. Joel and Tommy will go first."

Tommy nodded at his wife. It was his idea after all.

"Roger that." Joel also nodded his head at his sister in law.

"Now, the new kind. While you guys go out for patrol, remember to keep your eyes beyond the trees and boulders. If, you came across any of it, any infected that behaves differently than the ones you've encountered, you turn back. Don't be a hero."

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