It Begins.

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That's the first word that popped up inside Ellie's head the moment Joel came in.

"Didn't mean to interrupt..."

"You're not."

A quiet moment for everyone.

"I'm here to talk to Ana and you actually."

Now that's confusing. Joel went over to the couch with Ana, while (Y/N) locked in his vision at Ellie. Her expression pretty much revealed her uncomfortable mind.

"What do you want to talk about Joel?" The little blonde asked the old man beside her.

"Has Ace informed you of his impending patrol within the next few days?"

Ellie doesn't look at them, but she is interested in finding out what the girl has to say.

"Really? Why?"

Ana turned towards (Y/N) who just shrugged.

"There's a lot of infected sighting in one of the places not too far from here. And he wanted to go clear them, alone."

Joel awaits Ana's answer. The moment of truth.

"Well. Knock yourself out I guess."

Ellie turned, her wide eyes looking at the girl who's giggling after the answer. Even Joel is dumbfounded by her antics.

"No. Kiddo, it's not like that. He's going on a very dangerous mission."

Joel tried his best to talk some sense into the girl.

"It's just some infected. Ace won't lose." The girl replied casually.

"Not some. The numbers are, unpredictable. Could be hundred."

"What's wrong with hundred?"

"He could fucking die out there!"

The unexpected of all. Ellie shouted at Ana, causing her eyes to tear up. Her expression changed from normal happy to hurt and sad.

Joel put his hands on her shoulders on each side, trying to comfort her.

"Watch you mouth." The warning came from the boy of the subject.

"I can't... You're..." Ellie turned, facing her childhood friend once again.

"Leaving tomorrow morning. End of story." (Y/N) finished her sentence for her.

Now things just took a very unexpected turn for Ellie.

Why did she felt that way? Jackson has lost significant amount of people because of patrols. Let it be infected or hunters or raiders, they've dealt with a lot. Lost a lot.

The person in front isn't anyone that people are fond of yet. One unknown kid dies wouldn't make any difference right? So why does Ellie wants to interfere?

Because he's a childhood friend? That's a long time ago.

Because he knew something about her the others don't? So what?

Did she care about him? Hardly. So why? Was it guilt? Maybe.


Things were not that enjoyable for Joel and Ellie after that. Joel didn't even try to talk him out of it.

He took it upon himself that he will look after Ana and Jason after (Y/N) leaves.

Ellie left his place with a bitter taste in her mouth.

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