Seattle Day 3(Three).

503 29 15

Outside Pinnacle Theater.

Joel has woken up, now joining Ellie and Jesse on their quest to find Tommy and (Y/N). At least that's what the Asian thinks.

"The map shown the aquarium is down by the shore. Should be this way."

The trio walked through the half-messed up street in the city under the heavy pouring rain.

"Does anyone ever stay dry in the city?" Ellie complains about the weather as she's having a hard time with her long hair soaking wet.

"Well it does rain an awful lot in Seattle. Even back in the day, it was called Rain City at one point." Joel the history teacher shares his knowledge.

Checking the empty buildings, gathering supplies, that's all they do at the moment. Until Jesse brings up an important topic.

"So, we get to Tommy and (Y/N), then we return to Jackson."

"Yup." Ellie doesn't sound convincing.

"Uh huh." Neither is Joel.

"Meaning that we'll leave some of those assholes alive."

Joel and Ellie exchange silent eye contact. With Jesse saying that, they would wish to reach the aquarium before coming across Joel's brother and Ellie's lover.

"We gotta find them before the enemy."

"Okay. Good."

It was awkward for Ellie and Joel as they follow Jesse. They're lying from the start and guilty of it.

"So, did you two ever find out why they did what they did?" Jesse again with the most sensitive topic.

Ellie just stay silent as it was Joel's job to make sure no one knows.

"They were Fireflies. I got into some fight over the merchandise they promised me during my smuggling days. I killed a lot. And now they're coming to Jackson for payback."

"Wow." Jesse's impressed. "I know you're good, but not that good. You fought the Fireflies alone?"

"Eh. Sort of. I had some help."

They eventually came across a patrol squad of Wolves. But the numbers are thin. Too thin.

Didn't take long for the Jackson trio to eliminate them.

"Fuck you..." The last of the Wolves, got shot in the leg, crouching there in pain.

The trio walked up to her as she's struggling.

Her tough persona soon got replaced with fears second after Joel pulled out his revolver and aim at her.

"Wait...." She put her hands up, giving up resisting. "Just..please..."


No mercy from the old man as he shoots her point blank.

"Damn...." Jesse was taken by surprise. The merciless Joel in front was different than the Joel back in Jackson.

Some awkward walk after the shootout. And Jesse decided to start some conversations.

"This place makes me appreciate Jackson man."

"Me too." Ellie agrees.

"Do you think (Y/N) will change his mind about leaving after what happened here?"


"Maybe he has decided to stay in Jackson. Took him sometimes but, he did found someone worth living for now." Joel gives Jesse his opinion which intrigues the Asian.

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