Seattle Day 2(Three).

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An umbrella would be useful, because it rains awfully heavy in Seattle. (Y/N) is soaking wet, his body is heavy, and his vision is getting blurry.

"Now where was I?" Determined to find Isaac by himself, (Y/N) continued his solo-leveling adventure in Seattle. But as usual, he's confused.

"Huh..." He took out the map and spread it, scanning the places and numbers.

"I'm here, which means that Number 2 is that way." He looked in the direction West ahead. Folding the map and continuing in the direction, he's confident that he can find Isaac.

Ellie said that he's stupid. And she's right. The boy is hungry, tired, and alone. Yet he keeps going until, the fatigue get to him.


Stumbling for a bit, he rest himself against one of the buildings, taking in several deep breaths. Trying to find his composure.

"Why the hell are we searching the perimeter for?"

'Great. Talk about fucking timing.'

Rushed inside the building and hide, he continues to listen to their conversation, as fighting them now would prove beyond taxing.

"Apparently more people are trying to leave. They can't follow up with Isaac's command."

"You know that some ended up joining the Scars right? Means we'll have to finish them now or have them shooting at us later."

"Which is why we're taking no quarter during the raid. Everything will come to an end after we eliminate every single one of them on the island."

At least seven Wolves are outside patrolling. Maybe more.

"What is it boy?"

'Fucking dog.'

One of the dog took scent of (Y/N), and they slowly follow it inside.

"Search the building."

Thanks to the Scars, or Seraphites as they call themselves, he lost his own personal belongings as a flash grenade would be useful here.

"Woof! Woof!"

The dog barks louder as it gets closer.

'Screw it!'

He rushed to the side of the place with full speed, blindly blasting his handgun to buy some times.

*Bang! *Bang!

"Shit! He's here!"


"He went outside the place.



(Y/N)'s body couldn't keep up with his wishes. He's slowing down at the worse possible time. His heart beats like crazy, his breath is stuck inside the throat. And that gives the enemy the edge.

The dog leaped towards him, assaulting (Y/N) with it's claws and teeth.

The boy tried to fight it, but the dog is trained to do better. It's assault leaves (Y/N) brutalized like a ragdoll.

His arms are bloodied, weak, and he's slowly losing consciousness.

"Down boy!"

The dog releases him as ordered, and steps away, with two WLF soldiers standing over him down.

They're talking, but (Y/N)'s too tired to listen.

The last image in his mind before it went dark, was him and Ellie sitting in the living room of their own place, with Joel playing guitar by the table, whereas Ana and Jason are chasing each other throughout the house.

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