Seattle Day 1(Part Four).

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Four years ago. Salt Lake City.

"(Y/N)!? Where are you!?"

Young Abby, with her friends, Owen, Manny, Mel and Nora ran outside the hospital in search of her brother.

"It'll took forever to find him like this." The Hispanic buddy complained.

"We gotta split up. Abby, with me. You three go that way. He won't be far." Owen ordered and they ran opposite the each other.


All Abby did was shouting along the way. She had no idea why her brother just left.

Both her and Owen ran along the empty street of Salt Lake, not knowing that they actually ran past one of the restaurants that (Y/N) was hiding.

He ran away from the Fireflies after Jerry, Abby's father found out that he's immune.

"What is this?" Jerry discovered a bite mark on his left arm, and color him surprise.

"I was bit." The little boy replied nonchalantly. As if it's not a big deal.


"Maybe." The boy shrugged.


"Longer than you know."

"Why didn't you say anything!?"

"Ain't you guys gonna cut open anyone that's immune to get the cure?"

"We could have gotten a vaccine sooner!!"

"I'm not a lab rat old man!"

He kicked him in the private area and quickly ran out of the room, leaving the building.

It hasn't been two hours and they're already looking for him. But the weird part was, only Abby and her friends.

What happened to the rest of the Fireflies? Are they occupied with something?

(Y/N) closed his eyes, and took in several deep breaths.

'Mom. Guess you're wrong about that Jerry guy.' He pulled out his knife, looking at his own reflection from the blade. 'In the end, it's gotta me.'

Getting up on his feet, (Y/N) tightened his left fist and the right one gripping his knife.

'I won't run. And hiding isn't the life I want. Fireflies killing party... Let's do this.'

(Y/N) makes his way back to the hospital.

"The doc got the kid ready to go."


"What about the smuggler?"

"Marlene sent him packing. He ran his course."

Two Fireflies soldiers were having conversations, with little (Y/N) hiding behind the wall, listening to them.

"Thank god for that. We can't afford to spare any weapons to him. Not when we're this close to the goal."

"And when we'r--"


"The fuc--"


One quick jab to the neck, and another quick shot to the head, (Y/N) began his own fight against the Fireflies.

The Fireflies Massacre took place and changed lots of lives afterward.


Present. Seattle.

The Best Of Us. (Ellie X Male Reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن