No Wrong. Just Needs.

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(Y/N) fought his way through a bunch of stealthy infected, possibly more so than humans. And boy are they annoying as fuck.

Took him a lot longer than estimated to completely clear the place.

Taking off his mask, facing up the moonlit sky. He took in a very deep breath. Looking down at the corpses around him, all the infected are dead.

No shots were fired, just hack, slash, jabs, and more stabs.

He put away his knife, then made his way back to the outpost where it's safe.

"I need to come out more often." He muttered to himself.

Inside the outpost, he locked the door, putting off all the heavy weapons down, he rested for a bit on the couch.

Dude is tired for a reason. Multiple jump scares and surprise attacks were coming for him.

'Seems like they mutate yet again. Better write it down.'

Getting up from the couch, he went over the table and sat at the chair in front.

"New discovery. An infected who's way too smart. They crawl silently, stalk frequently, and jump you surprisingly." He added those things in the log book. Then it hit him.

'Why the fuck did I write in rhymes?'


Days gone by, Ana would come to the front gate daily to welcome (Y/N) back.

The grown ups know that the boy is looking for a chance to leave. He said now is not the moment, but who knows if he changed his mind out there.

All Joel can do is frequently stay close to her. Even Maria is worried about the little girl. So much so that she would stay with her by the gate.

Now is no different. Both of them just sitting there, waiting. Joel bring Jason to the stable, let him have some fun with horses, cause he knows Maria is gonna look after her.

"What do you want for dinner?" The lady asks the girl besides her.

"I don't know. As long as it's edible, it's fine." Ture that. The supplies are limited. Why choose when you can eat for free.

"You know, sitting here won't make him return any sooner. Maybe you should find something new to indulge yourself in. You made friends here, you should spend more time with them."

Ana looks up, facing Maria.

"I know I shouldn't left them like that. But I was worried about (Y/N)." The girl replied sheepishly.

"Joel told me about how you're confident in his survival. So why the sudden worry?"

A short silence before Ana speaks up again.

"I had a dream. Like a nightmare. And it felt so real."

Kids hate nightmares. And sometimes adults too.

"Wanna let it out?"

"I saw him get bit. I was watching him going through those horrible assaults by the infected from the second floor. It's like, he's covered in blood, and bite wounds all over..."

Now that worried Maria. Sure it was a nightmare, but sometimes, it's bad omen. And kid's intuition are mostly accurate.

Maria put her hand over Ana's shoulder, pulling her in, comforting her.

"It's okay sweetie. I've been through it too."

She gently soothe the smooth hair of Ana. It goes on until a certain someone approached them.

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