Seattle Day 3(Six).

489 41 7

"And you, are not welcome."

Currently on one side, are Ellie, Mel, and (Y/N). Delivering his statement to the male, making his decision clear.

Owen couldn't even respond anymore. He just stands there, wallowing in shame and guilt. Alice sits in the middle, not sure how to take it.

"Maybe we should kill him." Ellie speaks up which shocked them.

"What?" Despite hating Owen, Mel didn't wish for him to die.

"Maybe. What do you think Melanie? Should we kill him?" Now both Ellie and (Y/N) await her answer.

Owen, having slowly backed away, knowing that he's dead if he did, and dead if he doesn't. It's a sink or swim situation.

He turned, rushed up to the door and was dealt with a hard right hook coming from the other as soon as he opened the door.


Startled, the trio quickly went over to check it out, where as Alice started barking again.

"Don't move!"

Tommy had his gun on Owen on the floor, whereas Jesse and Tommy ran inside the place.

The Jackson has finally united.

"You guys okay?"


Tommy, having his fair share of trust issues, point his gun at Mel behind (Y/N).


"Chillax old man. She's with me." He took stand in between the two.

"Move away Ace. She's not to be trusted."

(Y/N) scoffed. It's been a while since he heard that calling. Fair enough, it was him who told them to refer to him as Ace.

"She saved my life old man."

"And she's pregnant."

Ellie's added statement caused some confusion among them. Still debating, Jesse went up to Tommy and assured him. He didn't even know who this Mel is, but he trust his friends.

"Now what?"

"Let's get out of here. What about him?" Joel question the team, what to do with the pushover Owen.

(Y/N) grabs a steel pipe, turned towards Mel.

"You wanna do this or am I?"

"Fuck him. Let's get out of here. He's as good as dead anyway." Mel answers, and she leave walks towards the door.

"You have no idea how lucky you are cockhead." (Y/N) moved towards Alice, pat it's head before leaving the place with others.

Owen will have to deal with the fact that Alice is his only companion now.

It was raining heavily outside, and the gang have to go through it to reach the theater.

Finally, after another long days of separation and war, they can relax again. Or so they thought.

Moving inside, Mel is breathing hard. She's pushing herself too much, and it wouldn't do good for the baby.

"Here." (Y/N) pass her a towel, while Tommy is looking on.


The gang got themselves some rest time, taking off their weapons, catching up a little bit until Tommy speaks up.

"I know y'all curious about the biggest elephant here, but I'm just gonna say it. What do we do with her?" He of course, was referring to Mel.

"She's coming with us to Jackson." (Y/N) replied nonchalantly. His answer however, was met with mixed reactions.

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