Chapter 6

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By the time they all decided to go to sleep, the rain was still pounding hard. Zach was having a little bit of trouble sleeping, but his little brother went quickly to sleep, while Zach lay awake for hours, until he finally drifted off to sleep.

Zach woke up to pounding rain, thunder, lightning, and the TV.

"Good morning, honey. How was your sleep?" His mom asked. All he did was a lazy thumbs up, then fell back on the bed.

Zach fell asleep again for an hour or so, then decided to just get up for breakfast.

"Hey! He's finally up!" His father exclaimed with a smile.

As he got ready, he listened to how much rain was actually coming down. It sounded like it was pouring really hard. There was really nothing he wanted to do, so he ate, then walked around. When Zach looked out a window, he saw how dark the sky was and how murky the water was. "Dammit" He muttered under his breath. It looked as though it would rain for a while longer.

He finally decided to head down to the indoor pool. He played basketball, as in just throwing a ball in the hoop with no competition. It wasn't very fun, but he had nothing better to do.

Zach heard a crack of thunder followed by a quick flash of lightning somewhat close, but sort of far away, or, far enough away that it wouldn't get the ship soon.

When he got out, he noticed the beautiful blonde girl he saw earlier on the trip. She was walking towards... Ya I have no idea where she is going. Zach thought to himself. All of a sudden, alarm bells began to ring.

He panicked and ran for his room, and lost sight if the girl.

"Everyone return to their cabins as soon as possible. When you are there please put on your life vests on and come to the deck near a life boat."

Zach scrambled for his key. There it is. He opened the door as quickly as possible and got on his life vest. He went quickly down the hall through the mad rush of people. Zachary made it to the deck, but was looking for his parents and Adam. There was another really loud and big crack.

All of a sudden, the pretty girl held him by the shoulders and screamed in his face, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" She looked really worried, as there was fear in her eyes. Zach yelled back, "I DON'T KNOW. I THINK WE'RE SINKING."

All of a sudden water started lapping their ankles.

"Oh no" Zach heard her mutter.

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