Chapter 10

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Both Zach and Emily looked happy while they were eating.

Soon the two finished eating. Emily looked into Zach's eyes with a smile on her face. He just smiled back. Emily broke silence, but a little awkwardly. "Um, okay, so, um, what should do now?"

"You wanna start building our, um, house, or whatever?" Zach questioned. Emily nodded.

They started to build. During building their hands briefly touched. Emily looked up at Zach smiled, and blushed. Zach had smiled back and ducked his head so Emily wouldn't see him blushing. They went back to work after a few minutes. Soon, their shelter was complete and not terrible!

"Yes! We finally finished!" Zach shouted. The two celebrated. The look in Emily's face was celebratory and finally happy, the first real smile since the water hole. Zach started to drag the leaves full of water towards the shelter.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Emily asked with a confused look on her face.

"What does it look like, girly? I'm getting the water under our... home? Yeah, that's what we'll call it, I guess." Zachary had a confused look on his face as he said it. "Well, anyway, grab some of the food and put it under cover."

Emily stared at him while doing so, and sounding a little dazed while she said, "Yup, ok."

The two finished after about 10 minutes. Emily started to think that Zach was kind of cute when he was demanding. She thought, what the hell am I thinking? That guy is way to hot for me. Wait, did I just call him hot? No, no, no, no, no! This can't be happening.

Zach interrupted her thoughts. "Hey, Em, uh, do you mind me calling you Em?" She shook her head no. "Okay, so, uh what do you, uh, want to do now?"

Emily suggested that they maybe go and have a break in the water to cool down. "So, race ya there? Last one there is a rotten egg!"

"Ha, your on!" Both raced off down the beach into the water.

Hello readers! So sorry for the late update. I have been kinda lazy and busy for updating this story. Thank you for reading my story so far. If you liked this chapter please give it a vote. And again, thank you for reading. I will post the next chapter soon.

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