Chapter 7

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Emily woke up coughing sand and water. She realized she was no longer on the cruise ship, but on a beach, or was it an island beach. "Oh great" She said as she looked up at the island.

When she looked back down at herself, started crying because her clothes were ripped in places. She really loves those clothes.

There was also seaweed covering her legs.

Emily looked around and she saw another body! She got up and ran over. She saw that it was a boy, in that case, the boy who she yelled at last night.

Good. Emily thought. He is still breathing.

He lifted his head slightly. "W-where am I?" Zach asked in a whisper. His clothes were also torn and he also had seaweed covering him.

Zach looked around, then met Emily's eyes and smiled. "Hi, do you know where we are? And, also, I think I know you from somewhere." Zach said.

"Sure, dude." She said sarcastically, adding an eye roll.

Zach sat up. "Hey, I'm being serious here. Were you on the cruise ship that sank?" Emily nodded her head.

Emily looked around again. "Hey do you thi-"

Zach cut her off. "What's your name? If we're going to stay here together, might as well get to know each other."

Em answered, "Well, my name is Emily. Yours?"


"Ok, back to my question, do you think there is anyone else on this island?" Both looked around.

"Hello? Hello-o?" Zach yelled. All they heard was the sounds of nature and the echo of his voice. Suddenly, she remembered that they were on an island, all alone, with no plan to survive.

"Hey, um, Zach, was it? How are we gonna survive and get back to the mainland?" He looked out at sea, thinking.

"Dammit, I think we will... Be here, for a while." He looked sadly at Emily, running his hands through his hair.

"Well then, let's get started." She said.

"Um... on what, exactly?"

Emily answered, "Duh, on making a house, or a hut, or something. And finding food. So, come on."

Zach reluctantly followed the bossy, cute girl.

Emily touched her hair as she was walking. It was all matted and it felt salty and stiff. She groaned because she probably wouldn't be able to wash the salt out until she got home, and who knows when that will be.

"Ok, I'll go look for food, you go look for wood and vines, Ok, Zach?" Zach was staring at her. "Zach? Zach? Hello?"

He snapped out of it. "What? Huh? Sorry."

She said in a tone like, were you not paying attention? "I said, I'm gonna look for food, you're gonna look for vines and wood, k?"

"Ok" So, the two set off in different directions to look for supplies.

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