Chapter 8

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Emily found some really big leaves, so she took some of those in case she found a fresh water hole. In searching the island, she only took what she knew; mangos, oranges, bananas, and things like that. It seemed like she had walked miles finding nothing but palm trees, fruit, little animals, and that's about it.

Zach, was finding lots of wood, and also found some leaves and a little amount of vines, and used some to drag the wood with. Although, he wasn't having as much luck with the vines as with the wood. Okay, well, this couldn't get any better, could it? Zach thought angrily. He really wanted to keep the girl, Emily safe, and alive, as well as himself.

After walking miles, he heard the faint rush of water. A waterfall!

"Oh, yes, something good coming out of today!"

Zach ran towards the sound of rushing water with the strength he has left from walking all day.

Soon, Emily's arms were getting heaving from carrying all of those things. She then heard the roar of a waterfall! She sprinted forward with the little energy left in her body.

After running for about 5 minutes, Emily and Zach saw each other at an opposite side of a small pool of water.

"Zach! Can you hear me?!" Emily steamed over the rush of the waterfall.

"Ya!" Zach had his simple answer.

"Well, um, can you come over here? I found a small cave where we can put our stuff."

Zach surveyed the area. He climbed through a small crack that led into the larger part of the cave. "Hey, cutie, let's put our stuff over here. I'm pretty sure this is freshwater, 'cause I didn't smell any salt."

Emily rolled her eyes. "First of all, don't call me cutie, and and second of all, I already figured out it was freshwater, Einstein." She shot back.

Anyway, Emily went to put her stuff in the smaller part of the cave.

"Okay, see ya!" After she said that, Emily jumped in. "OMG! This feels sooo good. Come on in!"

Zach hesitated, because it seemed like the girl hated him, but how would he know if she was lying if he never got in. So, he took off his shirt and jumped in. Zach let the warmth wash over him, and let the humidity melt away.

It felt nice to both of them that the salt water from their "journey" was washing away. Emily floated on top of the bright blue pool of warm water. For a "shower", Emily headed over to the .waterfall.

Many gallons of water dumped on her head, so she stood a little way away, but not totally under it. "Ah, that feels really good. Ooh, and my hair feels so smooth and soft now. Do you feel better in here?" Emily sighed and looked longingly at Zach.

"Um, ya, sure I am." He lied. Zach really was just hoping to get off this probably undiscovered island.

He decided to go and watch her from the cave.

She was a beautiful, blonde hot mess, but then again they were stranded on an island together, so there are no stores around.

Emily's clothes were in tatters, and you could sort of see her bra through her ripped shirt. Zach had already taken off his shirt. He smiled at that thought. Although on the other hand, the girl's shorts were not in tatters as much.

Wow, she looks really cute in there. He thought dreamily.

Wow, he looks so hot up there. Wait, is he watching me? Wait what am I thinking... Her thoughts trailed off as Zach started talking.

"Okay, so let's head out and see where we want to set up camp."

She was staring at his tan chest and nice, toned abs. "Ya, sounds good I'll just get out of the water." Emily said, not completely focused.

She filled up her leaves with water and tied them off with vines.

"So, Emily, do you want to have our hut thing near the beach in the forest?"

"Uh, ya, sure..." Emily really didn't know where to set up, so she just went with what he said.

They walked a few miles back to the beach in silence. The only sound was their bare feet thumping on the ground and the animals living on the island.

Hello readers! Thank you for reading my story so far. If you liked this chapter please give it a vote. And again, thank you for reading. I will post the next chapter soon.

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