Chapter 17

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When the boat got close enough that they could hear each other yelling, the sailors yelled, "Oi, you two need any help?" Emily tried to sound calm but still had excitement laced into her voice. "Um, yeah, we have been stranded here for a while." She said, looking at Zach. "It would be nice if you could bring us back to the mainland?" The men on the boat looked at each other for a minute or two and nodded their heads.

"Sure, where are you goin'?" The two looked at each other with unsure faces. "Hey, why don't we just go over to the cruise ship's port?" Zach wispered. Emily agreed eagerly.

"Um, do you know of a cruise ship that passed by here a few weeks ago?"

"Ah, yes the ship from Santa Cruz? Because that ports right 'round the bay."

Zach and Emily looked at each other with excited faces. The sailors waved them over so they swam over to the tiny boat.

-In the boat-

It was a fishing boat but it was bigger than ones that they had seen before the island. And since it was a fishing boat, it was full of stinky fish. Emily tried to make small talk with the fishermen, but Zach just stayed quiet. "So, uh, do you guys do this every day?"

"Yup" One of them answered.

"And, uh, do you like it?"

"Yes" another answered. It was getting awkward, so she just stayed quiet like Zach. The ride back to the docks was about 45 minutes.

When they got to their destination, blood on the floor of the small boat slid out the back and into the ocean. Zach made his way to the back with Emily. "Thank you for the ride!"

Zach yelled out. "No problem kiddos. You sure you don't need any help findin' your folks?'' They nodded no and said their goodbyes. The nice fishermen waved them off. Zach and Emily walked off.

"Shit, where's the damn port we're looking for?" Zach called out. ''Dude, we just have to go to the place you book the tickets. They'll probably have our parents numbers somewhere." Emily pointed out. He sighed, then nodded. "You're right. We'll find our parents. Okay, let's go."

"Okay, thank you, ma'am." Emily smiled. "Alright, all we need to do now is find a phone. Maybe one of those pay phones?" Zach said. Emily nodded.


The pair had been walking around all day looking for one, but had no luck. Zach stopped abrubtly an grabbed Emily's shoulder. "Em, lets just ask someone. If we don't ask someone soon, then we will probably be walking around aimlessly for the two days maybe?"

"Ugh fine, but only because I want to go home." Emily said, walking up to the nearest person.

"Um, excuse me miss?" She said, tappig lightly on her shoulder. "Yes?" The lady said, turning around. When she turned around, Emily stood dumbfounded. The woman stood in front of Emily looking clearly confused. Zach stepped up. "Em, you ok?" He asked, just as confused as the woman. "Mom?" Emily wispered to no one, then louder. "Mom!" She ran up to the woman and hugged her. "Emily, Emily is that you? Where have you been? Me and your father have been worried sick!" The two released each other. "And who is this young man with you?" She asked. Emily turned and stood next to Zach with an arm around him. "This is Zach, he was on the same cruise ship as us, and we ended up getting stranded on the same island as me. Earlier this morning some nice fishermen came close to the sland and took us back here."

Zach smiled shyly. "Hi... um... what should I call you?" "Either Mrs. Laneir or Alisha. An, nice to meet you. Have you found your parents?"

"Uh, no but I have their numbers. Emily and I were looking around for a phone when we found you." Zah answered. "Oh! Well then, you're welcome to use my phone to call them." She said, taking out her phone. He took it shyly and dialed his mom's number.


Heyyyyyyy my lovely readers! I have been on a role for updating! Please vote and comment, don't be a silent reader! anyway, next chapter will come soon, and it will be the last one, by the way. Hope you have enjoyed my story. Se  you next chapter! Byeeeeeeee


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