Chapter 15

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He stopped after 5 minutes. "Ha, ha! Come and get me!" Zach called. Emily was doubled over on her knee trying to catch her breath.

"Dude! Why you gotta run so fast?"

"Because I can, and because I'm physically fit." He said with a sly smile, flexing his arms.

"Oh whatever. I give up." With that she sat down on the nearest rock.

"Oh come on, dude. You're no fun."

"Yeah, well, some girls don't think of tag as a fun, go-to game, so... ya." Emily answered breathlessly.

Zach suggested that they go explore the island. "Ok, fine. But only 'cause you're cute when you talk." Emily said with a smile. They got up and started walking towards the beach on the other side of the island.

As they walked further, the trees started to thin out a little. They were turning into palm trees, and that was a clear sign that the two were nearing the beach.

"Wow... This is... it's amazing!" Emily gaped. There were scattered palm trees, some hanging over the water, the sand was pure white, and the water was a clear turquoise blue. In the distance there were a few dolphins leaping out of the water. Emily pulled Zach towards the edge of the water. "Look, the dolphins look so pretty against the sky, don't they?" She asked in amazement. Zach silently marveled at the simple beauty of this beach. "Can we stay here for a while and explore the rest of the island later?" Emily pleaded. Zach sighed. He agreed, but said they would have to go back by sunset, at the least.

The two walked along the beach, making small talking about what they want to do if they ever get off the island. "I was thinking that when we get off this island, I would maybe want to be a model." Emily said, looking forward into nothing.

Zach laughed slightly. "Well, if we ever get off the island. But yeah, I was thinking about training to be an Olympic runner. It sounds stupid, but I really want to do it."

"Hey, Zach, that sounds awesome! It doesn't sound stupid to me at all. That's a great goal. Maybe you can start training here, I mean, there are no distractions, so it's perfect." Except you... Zach thought. But it did sound like a good idea.

"Hey, I can go sit up on top of that rock, you know, find the easy way up, then wait for you to climb up the not-so-easy way, then we can just sit up there for a while, enjoying the view." Emily suggested.

"Sure, and hey, maybe we can start now!" Zach said. The two started to walk over to the big rock.

Heyyy people, I am so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated in soooooo long. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this chapter, and I will try to update more often. Okay, so vomment, and enjoy!

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