11. Arrival to HumaVamp, Part 2.

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I wanted to get out of that vehicle and go right up to Nina's apartment. Unfortunately, the constant attention lingering making not only myself uneasy, but Nina too, had to end. It was time for me to stop being a pushover.

Giving Nina a small smile, I lean back in the seat. “If you don't mind, my sweet Gem, I think I'm going to sit here, have a chat and become better acquainted with not only your uncle.” I'm starting off with and I could tell Nina didn't like it though her face hid it well otherwise.

Nina cracked her lip apart getting ready to detest.

Although, I’m honestly not allowing Nina to get a word out since I didn’t want her to sweet talk me out of it; because I had to say, she probably would have won. “Nina, please, give me forty-five minutes and I will be up. In the meantime, you need to get some sleep because you're human. Humans need to rest. Unlike me, so I'm dandy since I never do, remember.” Then I broaden my smile. “One of the perks of being a vampire when you're a workaholic like I am–” A chuckled swifty left me. “Correction, was because as I said, forty-five minutes, I'll be there. If not you can panic then. Except by the time I return, I am hoping you'll be sound asleep instead of waiting in a panic. I'm not going to waste what's important Nina, which is spending my time with you, even if that means you're asleep. Give us more of a reason to snuggle together.” Picturing up for Nina, while I get lost swimming in her eyes.

Nina was crushed by my words since she wasn't expecting me to not come up with her. That much was visible to see but just as fast as it came, she brushed it away. Yet that's when a huff left her as she shook her head.

I was thrown when Nina smacked her lips, scoffing. “You know what, if that were true then what in front of you, would be far more important than your ego of what ever the fuck my uncle just threatened you with.” After rolling her eyes toward her uncle. “You just can't fucking help yourself, can you! Nor ever shut your fucking mouth! And everyone wondered why I did this shit myself! Cause no one knows how to stop fucking butting in; where it doesn't god damn belong!” Afterwards, slamming the car door shut with enough force the back window shattered.

I jumped back from the glass flying in my direction.

Nina's uncle jumped in his seat, turning around. “The f– Nina! Are you– That my fucking window damn I–”

“Oh can it!” She hollers at him.  “Your fucking your repair man, you'll get it fixed for free!” After she glared at me. “Your funeral dumbass! I guess you wanted to get caught after all and fuck everything up between us! I mean was that your actual goal this whole time because if so, Congrat-fucking-lations, you got it! Serves me right, I guess, for sticking my neck out! You men are all the same no matter what time frame you come from! Have a great afterlife, Reginald, because staying in that vehicle, signs it!” Were her last words, before turning and walking away.

All I could do was just sit there staring.

Well… that blew sideways really fast.

Someone got a quick temper, got it.

Sudden laughter busted to the surface, as the passenger seat moved back as if Oscar slammed himself into it. I'm switching my eyes forward toward Oscar, who is enjoying himself in constant Hysteria.

When Oscar's laughter finally subsided, that man's eyes met me. “Told your ass it wouldn't work between you two. But damn, that has to be the fastest relationship that's ever started and ended.” He started laughing again.

I glare. “We are not over..”

Oscar snorted. “Yea, you are.” Getting chummy with a smile.

Irritated, Nina's uncle reached over and smacked Oscar in the head, making him shut up.

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