42. Out With The Pain, Part 3. Right To The Point

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3.5 Hours ago...

Reading my words and eyes of how I spoke of Dr. Milton, instantly my mother caught that something was off. My mother body had shifted to the bedroom door, shutting it to give us privacy from the outside world. Once my door was closed my mother came back toward me, sitting on my bed.

When my mother sat, both her arms crossed themselves while staring at me. "Alright, talk. Clearly you know something I don't. If West has done something to you Nina, you need to tell me, right now. I will not let a single man get away with upsetting my baby." Her eyes were already changing red. "So what did he do that I don't know! I've been the one trying to put good words in for him for years therefore I need to know now." Trying to get to the bottom of my uneasiness.

There was no more keeping what happened from my mother anymore. So I told her about Milton showing up, stopping my father and I from arguing and getting him to leave. After I proceeded to tell her about how we talked for a moment. Said how he had alarmed me by making a comment about my alarm system that he shouldn't know about, since he's never been to my apartment before then. Until finally, I informed her of how in the middle of Dr. Milton and I discussed that because it raises a red flag to me, my memory is cut and the next I knew I was bleeding out with Milton, gone.

I puff air out, waving my hand around. "So I don't know exactly if he did it or not? But I've been conflicted with it because we've known him for so long that I truly can't actually see him committing such a crime against our family. But with the facts and how it looks; it does make him look suspicious." I'm fiddling with my fingers sighing. "Which is also the reason why I never told Reginald. But he got so mad that I didn't say anything, I never got to explain that I was simply trying to understand it myself and didn't know how. I should have told him yes, but even then I just didn't know how to explain it so like an Idiot, I said nothing." Coming forward with my mother about.

The room was silent to the point I could hear the crickets outside.

Distraught, painted over my mother's face as she stood from the bed running her hand across the brim of her forehead. "Nina, why in the world didn't you say something sooner!" I was now getting reprimanded, which I saw coming.

My head fell, ashamed from my mother's disappointment. "I'm," Raising my head up to face her. "I'm so sorry Mama, that I-"

"Nina, stop!" My mother ordered, holding her hand up my way. "Do you get that you've been holding crucial information in regards to your safety!" Her arm thrashed toward the door. "I LEFT YOU in his hands, ALONE, Nina! What if he had-" Pausing, growing very frustrated. "I never would have forgiven myself if something were to have happened to you Nina! You should have come to your father and I sooner with this information, period, so we could have handled this and questioned him!" I was surely getting an ear full for my stupidity.

Until a knock developed on my door creating my mother and I to stop talking.

My mother walks over to the door, cautiously opening it, leaving her and I to both see Dr. Milton in a black long sleeve dress shirt, dark blue jeans with a leather belt and black dress shoes. In one hand he had the cast for my knee, as in the other was his cell phone. Until Dr. Milton saw my mother and quickly dropped that phone in his front pocket.

My mother and I state at the man from his sudden appearance

Dr. Milton smiles, chuckling light, gesturing inside. "Are we ready to finally put a cast on or should the three of us stay here and keep staring the rest of the night." Laughs out of him.

I am trying to keep my composer because I didn't want Dr. Milton, to know that we were just talking about him. My mother, oh there was no trying to keep composed. No, my mother went ballistic.

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