43. Out With The Pain, Part 4: Embarrassment And Patheticness

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2.5 Hours ago..

Serena-Jane out of all the vampires I have met in my lifetime I have to say is a fighter. Literally in all senses of the meaning. She's got a bad attitude but a heart of gold to protect others. That woman always stands up for those that have no one there for them, like no one was for her. She will forever be twenty-three and has been for the past forty-years. If she hadn't gone to a rave party in 1984 with people who she thought were her friends, Serena-Jane would have never become a vampire. But one of them spiked her drink with pills. Unknowingly putting one in there that was actually a blood pill, filled with vampire blood. Then later that night, Serena-Jane, felt off and one of the males in the group offered to take Serana-Jane home. Unfortunately, she never made it, waking up as a vampire, her body naked and dumped at the bottom of a lake somewhere in the woods.

From what I gathered, Serena-Jane got her revenge not long after she awoke, due to picking up the man's scent, since it was still fresh. But that's how she met my mother. My mother was chasing after the same man. He was a murdering rapist with no living family who had taken the lives of Nine women, including Serena-Jane. Therefore my mother didn't feel bad making him disappear by letting Serena-Jane feed into her transitioning.

Since then Serena-Jane and my mother have been the best of friends. But now also mine because Serena-Jane has been there all my life, always trying to keep me in check when my mother wasn't around. Which to me always made her the best vampire out of all of them since she always covered for me when my mother was and I wanted to sneak away.

"Seriously..." Serena-Jane groans, pulling my mindset to her making herself come all the way towards me, opening the cast. "Why is it that I always end up babysitting you, Nina?" Rhetorically asking, bending down toward the floor starting to put my cast on.

I whence a bit as the cast wraps around my knee. "You're asking me like I made her do it."

"Well if you didn't get all chummy with that vampire that was hanging around, we wouldn't be in this mess!" Now she was scolding and reprimanding me. "I mean seriously Nina out of all the vampires in the coven, you go for the long lost deadly Berserker himself!" Finished the cast, standing up, placing both hands on her hips. "What were you thinking, Nina?" Asking firmly.

I huff, running fingers through my hair. "I was thinking that I had finally found a man that actually sees me for who I am." Being honest with her, wanting to cry by immediately thinking of Reginald kissing and drinking that blond. "But it doesn't matter anymore Serena-Jane because he's already moved on to the next human." Whimpers from me as I break down in tears. "I saw him kissing another woman and-" Covering my face as I sob. "He was going to feed off of her and all I could do was watch. And yet; I was too much of a coward to even watch him do that." Lifting my eyes to Serena-Jane. "Everything inside me feels like it's dying Serena-Jane and I just want it to stop hurting to the point I wish I was dead. And that's not even fair of me to say because everyone I know is dead who wishes they were alive!" Losing myself a bit. "Maybe everyone in the coven is right and I should have just married someone already because then I- I- god I wouldn't feel like thi-"

"Nina, for the love of god breath!" Serena-Jane screams, as a smack comes across my face.

The sudden smack is making me stare at her with tears streaming as I couldn't believe I lost it like that. "Thanks, I needed that."

"Damn right you did!" Puffing air out, running fingers through her hair. "Now Stop it and get a hold of yourself! I get you fell hard for this vampire but he obviously isn't worth it. I mean come on Nina, five minutes ago he was with you, and is now jabbing his tongue down another bitched throat. Wake up would you because you are not this gullible and pathetic of a damn woman." Scoffing out, walking over to my walk in closet and pulling out an elegant single shoulder, burgundy red single long sleeve silk gown. "Now let's get you all cleaned up and dressed into the drop dead gorgeous woman that you are. We have a tea gathering to get to. And you are going because you're not going to mop over your first ever break up with a vampire. Firsts are always the worst, you know this. Now get your cute butt up the best you can to get out of that, so we can put this on." Ordering me as she walks closes.

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