29. Return Of...

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My mate was attacked. Not once but twice already while under my care. Worse, both times, I was nowhere near her when they occurred. Luckily though, for both times, I showed up right in the nicks of time. But this last one was far too close of a call even for me.

Nina was not safe anywhere.

“I'm gonna murder them!” Blared from Yoko.

Jezelle, Yoko and I were in the grand banquet hall, sitting at the fifteen foot long wooden table that I carved for all the members to sit at. Nina hasn't said a word since the Incident  and was upstairs in her room, taking a shower getting all of the blood off her. Unfortunately, I came to understand that Oscar lived there too growing up so he had a room of his own and was also showering off Nina's blood.

I didn't like that I wasn't with Nina. But Yoko wouldn't even let me follow Nina up the stairs to even go to her room with her. The man in my own home forbade me from being alone with my mate in her bedroom.

That is why Yoko said it is great that security cameras can be linked up to phones. So to ease my mind he handed me his with the camera already pulled up to Nina’s entire hallway and door, along with both of her windows outside. My eyes hardly left that screen but I did feel a bit better.

Yoko on the other hand. He was losing his mind. The man was ranting around the room about killing the ones responsible for trying to make an attempt on Nina's life. Both of them after I told him about the one at the apartment.

“Reg!” Yoko snapped my name.

I'm moving my eyes to him.

Yoko was now gripping the back of one of the chairs, ready to break it. “Jeez, you're back in five minutes and you're already spacing. God, now I  know why it irritates me so much when Nina does it, because it always reminds me of you.” Moving to lean on the table. “What else do you remember when cleaning up my daughter's murder scene in her apartment? Did you find anything? See anything suspicious? Was anything out of place? Something? Reg! Think!” Drilling me for answers.

I look back at the screen while answering him. “There was nothing, Yo. No tracks, scent, nothing. Who ever did it, knew what theynwere doing. And up until I found out you were the one who's Nina's father, you were a suspect on my list.” Now my eyes met him. “She told me what happened when you stopped by and thought I marked her, Yo.” Reminding him what he did.

Yoko tensed for a moment.

Jezelle sat forward, looking at Yoko. “Baby, what's Reg talking about?” Asking him.

A sigh came from Yoko when I looked at Jezelle. “I may have lost my temper a bit-”

“A bit.” I stopped him.

“Okay, A LOT over this whole 'who's dating our daughter’ thing when Emanuel told me he was in her apartment. I went over and-” Covering his face like he’s disappointed in himself. “I demanded to examine her body for Reg's mark by even trying to yank off her robe.” Telling his wife.

Jezelle stood up quickly, knocking the chair over. “You did what! Yoko, baby, what on earth were you thinking!”

“I was thinking our daughter was throwing her life away by giving herself to a random roaming vampire.”

“Yeah, I get that but baby you attacked our daughter. If Reg had marked Nina, what then, the deed would have already been done?”

“I know, I know love, I was blood deprived and not thinking straight. I've already tried apologizing to her.”

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