20. Dark Or Light

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I hate to admit that compromising was the one thing I always hated about when it came to deals and relationships. But I at least always did it becuase it was the right thing to do. At least, that was before I met Nina. If she were any other human, I wouldn't be trying to not only be the bigger man but better vampire too. Normally, I'd be happy that a man completely vanished from a woman's life that I find attractive. Unfortunately, for me, I just happened to fall for the one that made me have a conscience and want to fix their friendship despite his feelings for Nina. Because Nina was right, I just had to trust her even if I didn't trust him, so she could trust me.

Nina would never break her promise to me or allow anyone to come between us.

“There.” Giggled from Nina.

We were in the bedroom.

The both of us had put away everything in the closet and the spare dresser; I moved into the bedroom for me, since I was going to be living in there with her. I was getting dressed by putting on a very nice, clean burgundy gray suit with a white undershirt. Nina wanted to put on my black and gray tie for me, and well; There was no way I’d deny that woman much of anything, therefore if she wanted to put my tie on, by all means, I let her.

Nina sweetly placed her hands on my chest, smiling. “Well, modern day looks quite spiffy on you if I do say so myself.” Giggling as her hand then came up, right along the other, to fix my collar. “I don't think I've ever been so jealous before Reginald Bucanton but you might just turn me into one with the way women will look at you.” Chuckling soft as her eyes lifted to mine, patting my suite delicate to get the wrinkles

All I got was lost in her.

I gave a broad smile toward that gorgeous woman. “If anything other women, human or vampire, should be envious of your beauty, my gem. You'll never need to worry about that, I assure you.” Reaching up, running my thumb across her cheek and I loved how bright they got when she blushed. “If my comment downstairs brought that thought upon you, I truly am so sorry. No one will ever try to push their way into your place just as I know nobody will take mine. I can be very self conscious and with it being just me for a very long time, it is hard for me to reconnect and be mindful of others. But you make me want to be a better individual and I’m trying.” My hands slip down to hers. “Which starts with trying to make Niagel see that despite his feelings, I'm fine with your friendship since I know it will never go beyond that.” Reminding her that I was going to stick by her side on this.

When I had, Nina's body stiffened just a bit.

I find my brow going up as I try to figure out why. “What seems to be the matter?” Getting right to the point.

Nina's, sighing, relaxing and crossing her arms. “You're just going to make it worse, Reginald by approaching Niagel. I didn't even know the guy had feelings for me and all in one day, I found out the truth and crushed the man where it hurts.” She ventures her way toward me more, running her hand swiftly up my arms. “You and me; we’re the last two people on this earth that man wants to see right now. But I do appreciate you wanting to try and make all this better.” Afterwards,  I'm relishing in her arms around my neck. “And I'm sorry too. Honestly, I do own you one because for a long time in your life it was just you and I can't expect you to just magically be okay with everything. Time, patience and understanding are what the both of us need in this and unfortunately for us, we only have two weeks. Although, I am willing to still try in the time that we do because I care about you a lot, Reginald. So I am sorry.” Apologizing to me like I was the one who needed it.

For such a spunk of a woman she is too damn sweet to me.

My hands hug around Nina’s beautiful slim waist. “Mm, no more apologies. For a moment, I just want to be with you, before something or someone tries to interfere with our time together.”

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