27. It's All Real

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I had just finished drinking Reginald's blood. Life began to feel as if it was returning from suffocation to death. My body leaned against his as he held onto me. Reginald had just ended his pleading in my ear to forgive him for the strangling outburst he unloaded on me, once we arrived at my family's home. And for the life of me as we stayed sitting there, I truly didn't understand why Reginald would think that I would betray him.

“Nina, darling!” I'm hearing my mother's voice frantically.

My head moved toward my mother in a sky blue, spaghetti strap floral lace dress. Instead of using her vampire speed, my mother was quickly walking our way since she wasn't that far anyway to even use it. When seeing my mother, I'm getting up on my feet, walking toward her.

I didn't have time to prepare for the extremely tight hug my mother gave when snatching me. “Oh, darling, Malik called and told me everything. I rushed to your apartment but the doorman said you left in your father's limo so I came right here!” Next pulling me back by my shoulder, staring at me, while pointing a finger in my face. “How on earth could you EVER think your father and I never loved you for the person you are! You're our daughter! Malik had no right saying you were only kept to be the next advanced vampire! We want you to become one yes! But that is only because we want you to live an eternal life just like us to always have you around, darling! Except that's your choice, darling and you know this so why–" She suddenly paused, bringing her finger to my lip, whipping blood from it. “Nina why–” Her nostrils flared from sniffing. “Nina Jezebel Denmark, why do you have this blood on your lips?” Quickly zipped out of her next. “Yoko!” Mother squeals and looks at my father like she always does when worried about me.

Except my father said nothing. All he did was step aside, allowing my mother to see the view of Reginald. Then when Reginald saw my mother it was like a damn light bulb pinned over his head.

Although what happened next I wasn't expecting.

All of a sudden my mother's eyes went red as she lunged at Reginald sending them both back to the ground. Reginald actually was caught off guard by it as she latched onto his neck, strangling him to death. Honestly it got bad to the point my father had to yank my mother off of Reginald.

Once my father got a grip on my mother and lifted her over his shoulder, she still thrashed in his grip as he stood there like it was nothing, shaking his head as she blew. “MY DAUGHTER!” Blared loud like the annoying pitch of scratching against a chalkboard. “OUT OF ALL THE HUMANS IN THE WORLD YOU WENT FOR MY DAUGHTER! AH! YOU SON OF A BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME REGINALD HARRIS BUCANTON! I'LL MURDER YOU FOR GOING AFTER MY CHILD!”  Promised from her lips next since when she swears to kill someone, mother usually really means it.

But at the moment I was not at all recognizing or understanding the promise that my mother had just set upon Reginald. No, what my mind was too busy focusing on is the fact that my mother just used Reginald's whole entire name. I didn't even know Reginald's middle name. Yet my mother did. So therefore how did my mother know any of it, unless she knew Reginald.

Like a fucking light bulb in my head, it clicked on why he attacked me.

My sight moved to Reginald as he stared at me. “You…” I point at this place. “This…” Pointing at my parents. “Does all of it have to do with  the vampires that you told me you were trying to get away from because they wrong you?” I'm asking him as my tears picked up. “And you nearly strangled me to death because you thought I was in cahoots with my parents to bring you back here! IS THAT WHY YOU DID IT! Because I'm their daughter and it pissed you off to the point you believed I was just like them. So you were going to just kill and abandon me in transition as a fucked up message to them and me!” My anger blew as it created my never to shake all over.

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