36. Exposed

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"Ah!" I am screaming in laughter thanks to Reginald as he playfully tickles me, while we walk down by the rose shrubs, letting our stomach settle.

It took us an hour and a half to try a little bit of food from each booth. But we did it, while eating in the next line. Luckily there were only ten booths so by the end of it I was perfectly full. Reginald, trying to get him to eat food at first, that man was really hesitant because to a vampire, food was like eating wood and sand. Yet, thanks to the modern world of artificial flavoring with raw bloody meats that vampires' stomachs can handle, Reginald came to really understand what it meant to actually taste flavors again. I couldn't get that man to stop eating afterwards and it was such an amazing experience to have with him.

That whole time we did nothing but get lost in conversations, sneak playful touches at one another's bodies, steal adorable kisses when the other was least expecting it and simply, enjoyed being together as the whole world around us disappeared.

"Reginald!" Squeal form from me next thanks to Reginald pinching at my butt as I skip away. "Stop it!" Giggled from me as I swat at his hand. "You're being very naughty." Laughing sweet, while I strut forward and wrap my scar around Reginald's neck, pulling him down closer to me. "I love it." Whispering to him.

Until I am biting my bottom lip, leaning in to tease his lips with mine by brushing them for only a second, as he tries to give in, but I'd pull away just before he'd get the chance. Which would create me to smile and giggle, except make Reginald exhale through his own from how bad he wanted to kiss me. I got to do that twice. But by the third time I tried, I'm gasping in laughter when Reginald used his vampire speed to snag my waist, hold my ass up on the railing and steal my lips filled with hunger for them.

There was no way I was pulling away from that man.

So I slithered my arms around Reginalds neck to deepen the kisses more and pull him closer. Except, due to my tight dress, Reginald had to shift it up to actually get between my legs. And that didn't help since all Reginald wanted to do then was wander his hands all over my legs, while kissing my neck, heating everything up between us.

Until whooping hollers and loud screams of whistling picking up from all around, distracting us.

Reginald and I pull away from each other. We look around, until Reginald is the one jumping back and away from me as his eyes glued up above us. All I did was turn my head and look up just like Reginald and I'm growing pissed.

Someone shifted the cameras to the jumbotron from the race tracks to focus on Reginald and I. Giving everybody in that whole place a damn peek show to watch everything we were doing. Then the sudden realization of it all now made me jump. Unfortunately though, I forgot I had been sitting up on the railing and my body shifted backwards.

Reginald moved fast by using his vampire speed to hurry and jump over the railing to catch me in time. Yet that last only a second when we're hearing stomps and horses harshly neigh as if their rein we roughly yanked. We were both about to get trampled and we knew it since even with his speed we would have moved in time. Until all I know next is being thrown across the track, hitting rough against the sand on my side, before rolling.

Then all I could do was hear the commotion as horses scream wild and thumps vibrate through the ground.

I gasped as my head picked up seeing five of the horses had tripped and fallen. Riders stagger to get up, along with their horses, checking themselves and their horses. All I did was search for Reginald until I found him on the ground body all broken.

Jumping up to my feet in a panic, I rushed over because the horses' horses shoes are made from real silver. If one crushed Reginald's heart let alone his head, I'd lose him forever. And I couldn't lose Reginald.

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