40. Out With The Pain, Part 1: Weighted Secret

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5 Hours ago..

I couldn’t believe it. From my own stupid mistake of not telling Reginald about Dr. Milton arriving the morning I was attacked, cost me my relationship with him. He ended it with me. Really actually told me he did not trust me because I withheld that information.

Reginald I guess did after all have that right to be upset with me. I shouldn’t have kept that information from Reginald. Especially when there is someone out there trying to kill me and my last memory is of Dr. Milton before bleeding to death.

But the only reason I didn’t is because I was simply trying to sort it out myself. It truly was hard to believe that Dr. Milton could ever attempt to murder me simply from the fact that he has known my family for so many years. I really couldn't ever see Dr. Milton, breaking that kind of trust he has with my family. Therefore, it was hard for me to figure out how to approach and handle this in a calm civil manner, without there being repercussions, in case I was wrong and he surely could commit such a crime.

Which all of my feelings I should have just came out right and said it to Reginald.

This was all my fault and I had no one else to blame but me.

“Nina…” I hear deep, making me lift my head to see Oscar standing before me covered in soot as I sit outfront on the steps to the castle. “Please, just sit there and stop moving. Alright!”

“I need to know If Reginald and my parents are alright Oscar! You just told me the damn building caught in flames because someone arrived and began attacking everyone to get to me!”

“I understand but darn it, Your knee is not healed and you're just waking up from being sedated on the couch. Yet the first thing you do is get up and run out of here not thing about your well being! So just stop! Would you! Stop it! Stop! Okay! Just stop trying to break and kill yourself over this fucking man, Nina, because that’s why your really trying to go!” His hands end up on my shoulders, leaning down in front of me. “For christ sake Nina, wake up would you! I’m sorry for being a jackass and exposing you like that it was immature and super inappropriate but he dumped you Nina! Easily like you were a pieces of fucking trash! Why can’t you see he will never accept you like you want him too! Never Nina!” His hands run up to my neck, rubbing his thumbs against my jawline. “But I do Nina! I always have! I’ve always been in love with you Nina! And just because you think you want Reginald to be the only vampire to change you; doesn’t mean that’s always true. This man could have just been a window for you to the idea of becoming one. I’ll give the old timer that, but Nina, I believe you meant to become a vampire with me! I know it! Our parents knew it. That’s why they wanted this to develop as much as I did..” Blurts out of him as if he's in high speed mode.

I’m honestly trying not to pass back out during all of this since I was just waking from being forcibly knocked out.

Therefore, I inhale, rubbing my forehead. “Please tell me you hear yourself right.” Looking at Oscar next. “You had one of my parents change you to be their son. I am their daughter, Oscar. Maybe not by blood but I am still their daughter because they adopted me. If a relationship was to start now it would be wrong. You–”

“Oh, please, do you hear yourself,” Oscar spat free, pointing at me. “You're only making excuses Nina because we have history here. Your parents have always seen me like a son to them. Yet we still did shit together!”

“But you weren’t actually their kid before, Oscar. I never would have done anything with you if I had known that someday, one of my damn parents was ever going to change you, into their son, Oscar!” Screaming at him. “Do you get that, huh! You're their vampire son, I am their human daughter; either way, that still makes us siblings now, genius!”

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