25. Bedtime, Part 2: Bad News

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Winter 2008 (Continues)...


Knocking formed against my door, unable to allow me to repeat my question of if Berserk had found happiness? All of us turned to look at the door frame. My uncle Malik stood there in a black collared shirt, pants and long coat. Seeing my uncle, caused my father and mother to sit up.

I was worried already because usually when my uncle comes to my father with news it's usually never good.

My father stood up from my bed. "Brother, what are you-"

"I need to speak with you," Pausing, clearing his throat. "both out in the hall, now, please." My uncle spoke quickly, leaving no room.

Especially since my uncle disappeared out of our sight.

Both my parents look at eachother, before me.

My mother stood, coming to kiss my forehead real fast before looking at me. "Stay in bed, Nina." Lifting a finger, pointing it at me. "I mean it, darling." Lastly, saying both leaving my bedroom.

I wanted to get out of my bed. But I didn't move since I was already tired and just wanted my parents back. Plus, I knew that they'd be back soon enough to snuggle with me until I fell asleep. Therefore I just needed to be patient.

Creaking formed from my door, drifting my head up quickly in glee hoping it is my parents. Although, no one was there as my door was completely open, allowing me to see only enough space in the hall through the door frame. I'm gulping, tucking in my blanket.

I didn't move that door, my parents didn't touch it and there was no wind since my window was shut.

So how did my door move?

Suddenly the hairs on the back of my neck stood as I no longer felt safe alone in my bedroom. Especially when it felt as if fingers tickled through the back of my hair. Before it sounded like deep inhaling near my ear, right as all my light bulbs suddenly blew in the dragon lanterns on the walls, sending the room into darkness.

I panicked, grabbing as many stuffed animals as my arms could carry because I was not going back in that room. "PAPA! MAMA!" Screeches from me frightened, trying to jump off my bed.

Except when I tried to jump, all of me swore the latch of a person's grip snatched on my foot and forced me down to the ground. After, I swear I remember double yanking formed, against both my ankles, pulling me back toward the bed. While I distinctly remember what sounded like a light swishing, before a brush of coolness hovered near, until brushing through me.

Through it all I am screaming like bloody murder. "MAMA HELP A MONSTERS GOT ME!"

"Nina, What on earth! Stay where you are, I'm coming." Mother quickly came, trying to turn on the light but they wouldn't budge. "Yoko, the power went out in here too, baby. There has to be a black out at the powergrid. Darling, hanging on, mama coming." A strobe light turned on from a flashlight in my mothers hand and it found me. "There you are darling. It's alright." Helping me up.

Before stopping, since I was snagged

We looked down at my blankets wrapped around my ankles.

My mother sighs. "Hm, see it's alright, darling, you just got scared from the blackout and had gotten caught up." Taking the blankets off.

I shook because to my mind, I really thought someone was in my room trying to get me.

A sigh developed from my mother as she picked me up. "Come on, you're okay, Mamas here. You can camp out in the library by the fire tonight. We have a friend that'll be staying with us anyway, who I think could use a familiar face right now, so you won't be alone." Riddles off her lips.

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