14. Confrontation

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Please! Oh please! Work!

I've never flaunted myself like this just to make a man come get me. I was always so shy to be open with my body but with Reginald, all I wanted was to be his very dirty bad girl. Oh and I could tell the man wanted me to, but something was holding him back. Didn't know what it was nor did I care, I just wanted Reginald to understand how much I wanted him to want all of me.

I was on the bed laying out, resting the side of my head within the palm of my hand. Although, the one hand left free to wander around my exposed sink, did so, by drifting along my collar bone, until near my shoulder, swiftly clipping my bra strap off to dangle loose. Yet the second I had, I didn’t even have time to force a gasp in, until after, I had been thrashed on my back against the bed from Reginald’s body encased over, hovering.

Once I fully became aware that Reginald was actually there on top of me, I shuddered all over from the electrifying surge of blazing heat boiling around my body. To add, the vibration from the exhilarating rate of my heart pounding within didn't help, as it was trying to escape and reach Reginald just to feel alive. All of which was enhancing my already desperate need for Reginald.

I’m swallowing down pebbles, never leaving my eye from Reginald, when reaching up toward the edges of his over-jacket, hooking along and slipping it back to take it off. Yet with his wide shoulders I was only able to go so far. That’s when he decided to quickly slip an arm under my back as the other snagged at my waist, flipping us up to sit in the middle of the bed. I am stuck sitting on top of Reginald with his larger erection within his pants rubbing between my legs.

The sudden registration of Reginald’s very hard thick friend manifested my arousal to uncontainable. That man needed to be inside me already, dominating its very existence. Reginald was all my body screamed for to take as his own and a moan simply left my lips, just at that thought, making me even more soaked then I already was before, biting my lip.

I’m resuming taking off Reginalds over-jacket, leaning ever closer to him to the point that I hover about an inch from his face. Unfortunately, that was as close as I needed to go, since his jacket slipped off and out of my fingers. A held a smile when pulling away from Reginald, trying to sit back. I was wrong since Reginald wrapped his fingers around my chin when placing it in the palm of his hand, not allowing me to move back to any father.

This is it… Finally…

Please, kiss me, already!

A light two tone ding occurs snapping mine and Reginalds eyes apart. My doorbell was going off,  which meant someone on the first floor was trying to access my floor, by pushing the button that glows red when the floor is on lockdown. I'm already dropping my head back groaning by that thought.

Seriously! Can't anyone just leave me alone tonight!

Reginald, forces air out, scoffing. “Why don't you go take care of that.” Rolling his eyes toward my bathroom. “That'll give me time to still go wash up. I forgot, you did run me over with your car, remember? So I probably should really clean off the motor oil I smell on me first before we uh, sleep together.” All of a sudden left his lips while smiling.

Which actually did remind me that I hit him with my car earlier on that night.

I'm sitting back, clearing my throat. “That's right, I did.” Carefully, I slip off his lap, before the bed, getting on my feet.

The second I got on my own two feet, the bell went off again.

My eyes fixated toward the bedroom door, before settling in Reginald. “Um, okay, you take your shower and I'll get rid of whoever the hell that is.” Telling him as I move over to my closet, taking out my robe and putting it on.

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