32. Never Giving Up

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As a human, I've never felt like my life was truly ending, until the day I nearly lost Reginald from my life.

"REGINALD!" I am the one bellowing in hysterical fright.

I was so scared when watching Reginald's eyes roll in the back of his head and body collapsing out of my grasp. My body immediately went down with him as I held his head in my arms. I've never endured such panic that I couldn't see straight, let alone breathe. I'm trembling all over because it's not normal for a vampire to collapse.

Not unless...

I'm catching myself for a moment taking a breath. I move my hand down to lift his. Right about that time my father is right there and we both start to watch the tip of his finger turn black.

Reginald needed blood since he had reached his limitations. Which meant Reginald needed living human blood and a lot of it. And there was only one way he could get it right then and there in that moment.

"No, Nina!" I heard my father demand as I looked at him. "I can see in your face what you want to do. Reginald could kill you with the amount of blood he needs. If you die because he drained you, he'll never forgive himself for th-"

"Then help him like I am!" I scream, holding my wrist out. "You're supposed to be his most trusted ally right!" I'm reminding the man as my tears formed, holding my other hand out. "And I'm his, it should be me. So make sure he stops before my heart does because I can't lose him, Papa! Not when I've just gotten him in my life! Can you after you've just gotten him back!" Pleading for him to help me so I can save Reginald.

My father and I stared at each other for a minute as if just in case this would be our last goodbye from being bleed dry.

Then I watched my father look from me for a moment as he reached to his boot, pulling out a knife.

The second it comes free, I knew my mother would freak.

As if on cue, my mother did. "NO!" She screeched. "HE'LL KILL OUR BABY-

"NO HE WON'T!" Boomed from my father, moving his head to her. "Because I'm going to stay right here and make sure Reg doesn't do anything!" Then scans around the room. "All of you too because he only may-" He looked at Oscar and Emanuel who both managed to meet up together during all the commotion. "And I do say 'only may' need restraint because it has been a long time since he has had any blood, much less human. Don't get cocky and use this as a pissing contest, boys because you'll both lose, but still be ready. Detain him with max stun, ONLY if I say too." Finally, looking back at me. "Are you ready?" Asking if I was.

I had to stop my tears, reaching for the knife in his hand, nodding. "I'm ready, Papa." Hovering my wrist right over Reginald's lips and I'm taking in a big deep breath, sticking the tip right over my vains. "Don't hurt him too much, please." Lastly, saying as I stab the knife in my skin.

I'm screeching as I dig deeper, completely slicing open my wrist. Blood flows out like an unrolled river, falling over Reginald's lips and into his mouth. I dropped the knife, shaking a bit, while I brought my wrist closer to Reginald's lips to give him every last drop.

Then I waited for Reginald to finally latch on, while running my finger through his hair. "Eveythings going to be okay, handsome. I'm not going anywhere and neither are you." I promised him.

I suddenly jumped, releasing a gasped moan once double piercing sinked farther in, while growling moans formed from Reginald. Harsh latching of Reginald's hands clung against my arm next, pushing his teeth even deeper to take my blood faster. I'm trying not to lose myself in the intensity of ecstasy that melted my brain, while my blood flow increases rapidly. Yet my body started to ignite, until it began to tingle, before coursing into numbness, ending with everything becoming cold.

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