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Chapter 161 Lu Ning, cheating?

  Seeing that she actually changed her story on the spot, the teacher sneered and looked at her.

  "Teacher Shen, can you be a little more blatant with each other? If you admit it and then change your mind, do you think we are all fools?"

  Lu Ning put one hand in his pocket and looked at this teacher. This is the head teacher of Class 1, 2, and 3, surnamed Lang.

  This teacher Lang really likes to compare his students with students in other classes. He feels that he is the best class and the people in other classes are garbage, so that except for his own students, no students in any class are the best. For those who like him, whenever he takes over as a substitute for another class, the class will first announce that the wolf is coming.

  Teacher Lang looked at Lu Ning and pointed at her: "Lu Ning, don't play tricks with the teacher. All the teachers know what level you are. Can you get such a score in the exam?"

  He waved in front of Lu Ning. Holding the test paper, the 98 points in the middle of the test paper are unusually eye-catching.

  Lu Ning didn't panic at all and was very calm. She put her hands in her pockets and stared at him: "Teacher Lang, you already said that I can't get such a score, so doesn't this test paper prove that it is not mine."

  Teacher Lang was stunned. , then pointed at her and looked at everyone present: "Look, look! Such students have so many lies! If you cheat, just admit cheating, and there are so many nonsense! I don't think you students should appear here. No. 1 Middle School! Appearing here! Talking nonsense from now on will be a disgrace and a cancer in society!"

  Lu Ning's eyes grew colder.

  "Teacher Lang, why are you talking about students like that!"

  Teacher Shen pointed at him angrily.

  "Okay, Teacher Shen, you can't escape your involvement if you protect your own students. The monthly exam results this time will be entered into the system. In the past, you just turned a blind eye, but this time you don't do it so blatantly." If you keep covering up, everyone will have eyes to see clearly!"


  Lu Ning raised his hand and pulled Teacher Shen.

  She turned to look at Teacher Lang and then at Qian Qian.

  Qian Qian noticed her gaze and subconsciously hid for a moment. She must have something to do with this matter!

  "Teacher Lang, even if you say I cheated, you have to make me understand. It seems that our class's test paper does not need your review. How did you find this test paper? Who did I copy? Who did I cheat with? ?"   

  Teacher Lang looked at her and snorted coldly: "Look, admit it. I really don't know where all the books you have read for so many years have gone. In the Lu family for so many years, the Lu family did not train you to be a lady, but cultivated you You have become a thief! You really can't change anything in your bones. Fortunately, you are no longer a member of their family, so that the Lu family will not feel embarrassed and I will feel embarrassed!" He is a role model for

  others, but his words are full of personal feelings. The attack hit the student.

  "Teacher Lang! This is a bit serious."

  A teacher next to him couldn't help but said something.

  "What's serious! If people like this don't scold her, society will be despised by many people! She is just..."

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