Chapter 15: Mind control

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[No one P.O.V]

"Robin-san!" Sky whispered excitedly, "I'm here to save all of you! Where are the rest?"

"Sky-san, you're back!" Robin exclaimed calmly.

"I'm sorry for being such an awful friend." She looked away, expression blank.

"Its alright, Sky-san." The dark hair woman patted the young girl bright sky blue hair.

"I'll save everyone." Sky whispered.

Robin smiled in return, pointing in the opposite direction. "The rest are over there, while Nami and Sanji are not captured."

"Everyone!" Sky exclaimed, tears shining in her eyes, glad that they were safe.

"You gave us a lot of trouble," Ussop muttered.

"I'm glad you're back Sky-san!" Chopper waved excitedly.

"OI! SKY!" Luffy shouted, grinning. Sky's eyes shone again, but brighter this time.

"Zoro-san, wake up! My friend is going to help us!" Sky whispered loud enough for them to hear. Surprisingly, they were no guards. There were only sea stone prison and sea stone cuff to trap them there.

"Shhhh!" Robin placed her index finger on her lips, indicating silence. The faint footsteps sound that could only be heard if they were extremely silent were getting closer to them.

A young girl that is about Sky's age with brown eyes was holding the keys to the prison and cuffs. She waved the keys at Sky.

She unlocked the cuffs and prison cells.

"Who is she, Sky?" Luffy asked curiously.

"That girl from before who got us all captured..." Robin frowned and folded her arms.

"She was hypnotized! Don't blame her!" Sky shouted, trying to clear the misunderstanding.

"I'm sorr-"

"Its alright!" Luffy slapped Mizuki's shoulders, grinning, "Since its Sky's friend!"

The blue haired girl blushed with pleasure and exclaimed, "Let's go!"

*30 minutes later*

Just as they were to about to step out of this Marine building, a deep voice said with an arrogant tone, his red eyes glowing under his fringe. "Do you think I am stupid enough to let you escape so easily?"

"Ha-Hay-sama? I-I-I-" Mizuki stammered.

"I'll get it from you later, useless scum." Hay hissed, and moved like the speed of light, knocking her unconscious. The brown-eyed girl fell to the ground instantly.

"MIZUKI-SAN!" The violet-eyes girl cried out and rushed forward to her friend, tears brimming in her eyes. Luffy bolted forward, attempting to save Sky from Hay's next attack.

The captain, with straw hat and black hair, eyes turned glassy when Hay said, "Hypnotize hypnotize: control body 100%, mind 50%."

Controlled, Luffy turned and mumbled, "Hay-s-s-ama,"

[Luffy P.O.V]

What was happening?! Why did I said that?! DAMN IT! Why can't I control my own body?! My most inner part of me screamed. My head suddenly felt pain. I tried raising my fist to give that annoying, arrogant red eyes guy a punch but-

"What can I do for you?" I felt words coming out of my mouth without my own accord.

"Punch Sky." He smiled, looking down, hair and shadow covering his eyes.


Everything came to a standstill.

"Luffy?! Stop!" Zoro shouted, drawing out his katanas.

Hay grinned and his eyes widened.

"Gomu gomu no pistol!" To my horror, my hands flew towards Sky's pale face.

[No one P.O.V]

Heart pounding and palpitating vigorously, the fragile looking girl was unable to react in time flew backwards. She spewed out blood, her eyes slowly closing as she hit the ground with a loud 'thud'.

"Sky-san!" Robin shouted, her voice hoarse. Everyone else stood there, appalled. Everything happened so quickly so quickly that no one had the time to react at all. However, to the straw hat captain, everything, every second was painful, it was as if it was slow motion. The dark haired woman, finally rushed towards the young injured girl at breakneck speed.

"Sky-san! Sky-san!" She stared at the blue haired girl, too terrified to touch her in case she injured her further. Without hesitation, the blue-nose doctor quickly stopped her bleeding from her wounds.

"Please save Sky-san, Doctor-san!" Robin said with a calm face, but her voice was slightly begging and trembling.

"Hypnotize hypnotize: mind control 90%." Hay announced, still enjoying himself.

[Luffy P.O.V]

"Nice to meet you straw hat." That stupid arrogant guy invaded my mind! Urghh! This is so irritating! Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in my head, followed by a voice. "Mind control 93%..."

I tried to shout. I tried to hit him in my mind but-

"LUFFY! WAKE UP!" A loud, familiar voice interrupted.


My eyes snapped opened, cold sweat rolled down my cheeks.

"This is m-my fight, Zoro. S-sa-ave Sky." I forced the words out. Damn. I never knew speaking could be so hard.

And my eyes closed again, only to see darkness and that weird Hay guy.


[No one P.O.V]

"ZORO! CARRY HER!" Shouted Chopper desperately.

"Ussop and Robin! There are marines heading towards us! I need to bring Sky to a safe place!"
The long nose man said, "Robin, lets keep the marines busy while they bring Sky to a safe place."

Robin nodded in reply.

[Luffy P.O.V]

"Get out of here!" I shouted, running towards him.

"This is only an illusion." Hay paused and continued.

"Did you knew that Sky killed people? Do you even know who is she? Stop getting involved with her, Straw hat."

"I know she's kind, lonely and trapped. I know who to be with." I whispered, a lump in my throat, as a painful feeling, followed by a warm feeling filled up my chest. I don't understand myself. This is so confusing. It makes my head hurts!

-End of Chapter-

Dedicating this Chapter to the awesome @darkflames1. Thank u so much for the support and comments!

Thank you for reading!

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