Chapter 2: Bang!

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Note: I edited the last few sentences in Chapter 1, sorry for the confusion! Dedicated to the amazing OP fanfic writer  *^*

Chapter 2:

[No one P.O.V]

"Chopper, thank you for taking care of me while I'm injured," Sky thanked Chopper, giving the doctor a warm and thankful smile.

A red blush appeared at the reindeer's face. While he did a happy dance, he said, "I'm not happy that you thank me, idiot! Hehehe~ It doesn't make me happy at all, asshole!"

Sky placed a hand over her mouth and giggled. 

"Luffy! THAT'S MY DRUMSTICK, GIVE ME BACK!" Usopp glared angrily at his captain who was too busy chewing his food to reply him.

"Ehhh...? LUFFY! STOP STEALING MY FOOD!" Chopper screamed, as his stomach growled hungrily.

"Nihihihi!~" He grinned, still unaware of the tension.

"LUFFY! STOP STEALING PEOPLE'S FOOD!" Nami gave him a painful hit.

"Thowwy..." Luffy wailed, his eyes spinning.

"Seriously, its the same crap every time," Nami folded her arms in annoyance.

Sky watched the straw hat pirates who seemed to never have any problems.

"Are they like this all the time?" Sky asked Robin, who was usually not participating their idiocy. Robin nodded and giggled.

"It has no limits..." As Sky stared curiously at them, she smiled, she wished she could be like them...

"WE REACHED THE ISLAND!" A loud voice shouted, causing everyone to be awake.

"LUFFY! EVERYONE IS STILL SLEEPING!" The enraged orange haired woman glared at her captain furiously. "AND all you stop moving before we get separated." 

"Luffy, Zoro and Sanji disappeared already," I cut in. She face-palmed, "Those 3 idiots..."

"Franky and Brook will take care of the ship, while the rest of us (Nami, Chopper, Robin, Sky and Usopp) will go and find the 3 idiots before they create troubles," Nami said. 

"I'm going that way with Chopper," Usopp informed Nami.

"While us girls will go that way," Nami said, pointing to the left.

Meanwhile at Luffy's side

"Luffy! Stop stealing food-" Sanji lectured his captain, however, he stops talking when he saw a lady that he thinks is beautiful. "Miss, your beauty is absolutely alluring..." 

[Zoro P.O.V]

"Pervert cook, we have other things to do." I cut in, dragging him away from the flustered lady.

"What do you are doing, shitty marimo?!" He glared at me, "I was about to succeed until you interrupted me!"

"Give up, curly eyebrows!" I gave him a smug look, causing him to flinch. 

"Meat~Meat~Where are you~?" Luffy sang, making me and Sanji glared at our captain. 

He blinked and stopped making weird noises. 

At Nami's side

[No one P.O.V]

"Robin and Sky, how will I look in this?" Nami asked for their opinions, as she showed them a pale pink laced dress with polka dots on it. 

"It will look lovely on you, miss navigator. Iit is only not suitable for battles," Robin commented.

"What about you Sky?" They turned to the blue haired girl who turned red and stammered, "I just wear anything that fits on me...umm... so I don't know."

They nodded, believing every word the stranger said. 

"I think we're going to stay on this island for a few days, because the 3 idiots are going to be fooling around for a few days until they are satisfied to come back" Nami sighed.

"So let's enjoy ourselves for the time being." She winked.

Suddenly, a gunshot interrupted their conversation.


-End of Chapter-

I'm sry my chapters are short XP

Hope u like this~<3

{Published on 22/10/14}

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