Chapter 23: The Battle

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Red's POV

"Remember to carefully drop in unnoticed," I said to Terra and the others as we jumped off of the ceiling and started to run towards the hall kicking the door open.

"Hello Iris," Terra hissed towards her as she turned sprung and the rest of the coven.

"Why hello to you as well. I see you've brought your own coven of friends. Terra it's simple just give me your blood and die a noble death letting us die at last." Iris was beautiful, her locks of red hair draped over her body perfect, porcelain skin and radiant blue eyes made her attract. Until she starts to talk like a psychopath obviously.

"Red, just listen to her and please don't talk." Violet said her hair out of a bun for once and curls of brunette hair curled around her shoulder, blue eyes as peaceful as ever. 

"Did someone bring an asshole into the mix?" Dick was sitting on the coven table, countless bodies have laid there for feeding these people for hundreds upon thousands of years. He didn't bother with a shirt his neck, chest and sleeves covered in various tattoos from over the years all the way down to his knuckles. Never even bothered to remove his mustache or change his short hair cut with a small piece curled on the front of his face.

"Richard hush up, Robert can you give this man a coat please? For the love of God." Allison said in disgust. Dick's father handed him the same black coat he's had for over 400 years, that he loved so much damn.

"Robert, you haven't aged a day over the years tell me what is your secret?" Jonathan teased his green eyes staring at him in hatred as Jonathan started to choke. Allison lunged towards Robert as I grabbed her arms pulling her back from doing so as she tried to kick him sending us both to the floor and skidding across the room.

"Red, Allison!" Terra was blocked slamming her palms in the air, an invisible wall near her. Gale started to appear from the shadows behind her husband Robert, her eyes focused on Terra for protection.

"Terra Matthews for the love of Jesus Christ, will you stop being a suicidal lady and fighting my damn family. I swear to god these hundreds of years living in misery, might be worth it if they could just shut up and let us talk like civilize people." Abigail spat towards her family in hatred, her children except Violet rolling their eyes in annoyance.

"Gale, your kids have been sending hunters every since I escaped this hell hole. Your little girl Iris even posted my friend Jonathan the bitch nearly killed me on my goddamn birthday." Iris stood next to her mother suddenly her eyes beaming in rage at Terra. The fight was soon to come.

Gale pursed her rosy lips and fixed her golden locks of hair behind her shoulder making her collar bone more visible in her black dress with see through sleeves, the oval neck inches above her dress the lines of black sparkles towards that direction.

I adjusted and placed back my broken shoulder, helping Allison get up as our group stood in front of her family the rest of them joining us. "I'd love to make the red head bleed to death," Adrienne said with a vicious smirk plastered in her face, if we weren't in front of thousand year old vampires I would have cared but at this moment I didn't.

"You can have her I'd love to make the negro scream until she begged for mercy," Dick said in disgust Olivia was holding Reed back as Dick's eyes lite in excitement. Iris was starting to focus on us as Adrienne lunged towards her.  Robert had screamed an inhuman scream causing the room to be flooded with hunters trying to kill us.

I focused on my rage and growled at the top of my lungs, my vision tinted in red as three hunters ran towards me cracking one neck and stabbing the one in the head grabbing the blade and throwing the others dead body towards the last one as he screamed in pain his voice no longer heard as his head was cut off.

Reed was crying in the distance as I looked to see Olivia on the floor surrounding them was a pool of blood. I didn't have enough to focus until I heard Jonathan, "Red I need you!"

I bolted towards him grabbing the shoulders of a hunter running up his body as I held onto his arms, crushing his head beneath my feet hearing the loud crunch of my heel breaking his skull. "Still got it I see." Jonathan said looking up at me his face emotionless, once I killed a huntress behind him with a dagger.

From there on more blood was shed of our kind. The people I remember fighting was Adrienne the clearest. Eugene had helped clear a path for her along with Grace as they helped her kick Iris in the face. I don't remember them killing her, but the sound of Terra's voice as she cried out in pain.

"Terra," I ran towards her as Dick threw himself towards me. He had over 700 years of age on me and I was going to lose to this asshole.

"She's bleeding so much. ADRIENNE! HELP!" Allison screamed out in horror. I hated to help them, but Richard was bashing my head into the ground breaking the tile underneath and swiped his legs out from under him stabbing that idiots shoulder blade.

"Run away you coward and let me finish this battle with the blood of your lady." Richard proclaimed spitting blood onto the floor as the others were fighting what was left of the hunters.

"I'd rather die a thousand years over then spend the rest of eternity without her." I said feeling myself start to relax more the at sight of Eugene and Grace behind him ready to help me.

"You fool, you shall die an foolish death just like your Muslim whore." Eugene and Grace held down using all there strength as he struggled against there grip, quickly I grabbed a blade with both hands stabbing his face as the blood started to splatter all over my face and clothes.

"Red that's enough," I felt her hand on my shoulder and dropped the blade turning around to Terra. I pulled her close and hugged her with all my might not letting go.

"Red. Crushing. Lungs."

"Crap, I'm sorry Terra." I said laughing nervously and looking at her beautiful face. The mark was gone. "How did you?" She smiled and started to wipe my face with her hands getting blood off of me.

"I was dead for about 2 minutes until Frank gave me some of his blood and I saw you kill this Dick," I could only hear whimpering and turned around to notice Reed all covered in blood holding Olivia close to her chest as she cried.

"What the-, is she?" I asked in utter shock as Adrienne nodded her head.

"Reed we should probably just-" Grace was beginning to

"No! I want to stay with her. I'm not leaving her," Reed started to cry again her make up running down her face as she held Olivia close to her chest. That once pink matching jacket and pants were crimson on Olivia.

Olivia was dead, all of the coven members except Violet and Abigail were still alive?

What just happened...


Hey Guys! :)

Today is CheekyReader29 BIRTHDAY! Happy Birthday Bro! ♏️💚💫🎂✨🎉🎊💥😍

I love you man, you're awesome! I hope you have a wonderful day and I do apologize that you had to read such a tragic chapter of Lone Star. XD

Vote, comment and share if you enjoyed! Bye!

-TG 💀 10/29/15

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