Video #3

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"What's up inexistent viewers," Roy grinned, holding the camera far from his face so Dick and Wally could be seen also. "So, I just finished taking two idiots out for ice cream. Can you guess which ones?"

"Nah, Roy, I seem to be stumped," Dick said, "I mean... I see two idiots but I'm pretty sure you're not referring to yourself."

"Let me guess," Wally said with fake excitement, "Am I the first idiot?"

"Ding, ding, ding! And the award goes to... Wally West for Captain Obvious of the Year!" Roy rolled his eyes.

"Hey!" Dick exclaimed. "I thought I was a shoe in for that one!"

Roy and Wally laughed at Dick. "Dude," Wally said, "Burglars at 6:00."

"I know," Roy said, "They've been following us for a good six minutes."

"Ten," Dick corrected. "I mean, if you count the time they were staring at us inside the ice cream parlor. Look... An alleyway!"

"Aren't you supposed to avoid those?" Roy asked.

"Nah. Don't sweat it. I've got an idea. Just set the camera somewhere where it'll catch this." Dick grinned.

Three kids- Dick, Wally and Roy- all stood with guns pointed directly to their chests. Wally looked startled, Roy looked bemused and Dick wore an enthusiastic grin. Dick gripped Roy's arm. The camera seemed to be shooting at a ground level, as if it were lying on the ground.

"There are hundreds of people in Gotham, and out of all of them you chose you rob us," Dick said, placing his other hand over his chest looking completely elated. Roy smirked, and Wally soon joined, both realized how unlucky the three muggers were. The muggers, on the other hand, looks thoroughly confused. "Do you know the chances of that? It's only about 04.8, though the fact we're in Gotham sort of rises it up to a 09.6 if my calculations are correct, which they are; I know because I've been preparing myself for this breathtaking moment for as long as I can remember.

"Now, what are the odds that out of the hundreds of streets in Gotham we would be walking in one right besides an alleyway in the clearest shot of three ruthless muggers? Quite slim ones. Don't you understand what that makes us, guys? It makes us something unpredictable, something even the overdeveloped scientists of today can't expect: Coincidence.

"This mere event will alter every following piece in history for the rest of our lives- No, for the rest of the world. If this hadn't happen to us at this very moment, on this very day, the rest of the time momentum would have been completely destroyed, creating a gap in history, which would have evolved into a black hole, thus sucking the life out of every living thing- not even stopping after the Earth is completely demolished into oblivion.

"Every labored day, creating this society we live in would have been for nothing and our existences would have been a mere event in the Calendar of our Galaxy," Dick ranted, taking a deep gasp of air when he was done. Just as he finished, the criminals fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Good distraction," Roy grinned, picking up the camera and pointing it at Wally. "Quick, we need a name!"

"The Robber Rant?" Wally suggested, almost instantly.

"Excellent!" Dick exclaimed, and the video faded to black.


"You totally just did that," Beast Boy.

"See," Robin chuckled, "I was even awesome at eight years old."

"Did you come up with that on the spot?" Cyborg asked.

"Duh," Robin said as if it were obvious. "It's not like I have this stuff written down or anything," he coughed and pretended to hide papers in his pockets. Speedy offered a pity laugh at his lame attempt at a joke.

"Never do that again?" Kid Flash offered.


"Alright!" Bumblebee said, clapping her hands together, "Let's carry on with the show."

Beast Boy plucked the remote from Speedy's hands and clicked play.

____________________________________________________________________________________The screen buzzed the life...

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