Video #FLUFF

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"Kill yourself," Wally glared at the camera, supporting the weight of a sleeping teen in a suit resembling quite similarly of a traffic light. The only thing missing from the ensemble was the mask, revealing heavy eyelids and eyelashes resting on flushed cheeks. Wally was laying horizontally on the couch, with the bird's body between his legs and his head coming to rest on his chest.

Roy smirked- how you can see that when he's on the camera? Do not ask, sometimes (plot) holes just want to get bigger,not filled,-, "You guys are adorable."

"I would return the favor but you're gonna be alone forever so..."

Roy smirked once more, this time in the world outside the TV, to no one's attention, and wrapped Aqualad's unsuspecting arm around his waist. The Atlantean forced himself to somber down a smile of pride.

Roy scowled, once again not visible due to the camera angle, and stuck out the middle finger. "Coming from the virgin of the group?"

"Shut up," Wally laughed, sticking out his tongue. "Stop recording. I am dwelling on the intimacy of being in a relationship- let me live my life."

"Isn't that adorable."

"I know right," Wally said, smiling down at his sleeping boyfriend. He looked back up at Roy, "but, like, for real, if Bats ever sees these I'm gonna be the first one he kills."

"After Dickie," Roy said, "for jeopardizing his precious identity and letting us corrupt him."

"In that case, he would probably kill himself."

Dick turned in his sleep, "Who's killing themselves."

"Don't worry 'bout it," Wally said, running a hand through his hair, "Go back to sleep."

"M'k," Dick mumbled, already nodding off again.

"Why's he so tired, anyway?"

Wally's eyes darkened instantly. He looked down to make sure Dick was asleep again. "Guess who he bumped into, today... in civilian."

Roy thought for a minute. "This seems a lot more serious than Joker or Two Face."

"His fucking parents."

Roy paused, his face a startling mix of thinking and worried."How is that even possible?"

The camera was now long forgotten.

"Apparently, he was hit by fear gas that just so happened to activate when he was at school. The school contacted Bats when they found 'Artemis Crock' holding him down and screaming for someone to call his dad. Long story short, Bruce got him home and called me to watch him while he hunted down Scarecrow for the antidote. I don't even want to know what Bats did to him."

"Wally, that can't hit the news."

It took Wally a second to process both Roy's wide eyes and words. "Shit."

Roy flipped out his phone, dialed Bruce and stood up. He ran a hand through his hair and paced across the room. Bruce picked up half way through the second ring.

"Bruce," Roy snapped, "cut the act for a minute. Dick's breakdown can't hit the news under no circumstances. What if the timing of the fear gas was intentional? What if he looking for who would snap?"

There was a pause.

"I'll be there in five," and with that, he hung up.

"Where are you going?" Wally asked, watching Roy hazily suit up in his Red Arrow get up.

"Hunting down a news reporter," Roy briefed, then added- almost as an afterthought- "I'll call if I need backup."

"Thank you," Wally said, relieved that Dick was more important to Roy than his pride. Then realized how awful that sounded- of course Dick would be more important to Roy.

"Anytime," Roy said, "I'll be back." He shut off the camera, almost as an afterthought.

When the video ended, Robin was staring at Roy with a small smile. Roy rolled his eyes. "Don't give me that look."

"Aww. You love me," Robin smirked.

"Yeah, whatever," Roy said, fighting back his flushed cheeks. And miserably failing.

"You're adorable," Garth laughed, teasingly pinching his cheek.

"Shut. Up." Roy growled, slapping away his hand. His cheeks and the tips of his ears were burning red. "I don't know why it's so surprising that I'm not a heartless monster."

"It's not," Garth grinned. "Just nice to see that you know you're not a heartless monster."

Roy looked at him and paused. Then shook his head and muttered, "Whatever. Let's just watch the next video."

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