Video #Angst and Feels and What Video Number is This? Part 1

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The camera came to life in a dark and dusty  hallway. The image's jerking and jutting made it clear the person carrying it was walking.

"Turn off the camera, Wallace," a dark voice growled, the camera barely registering the sound.

"How else is Dickie supposed to learn from his mistakes, though?" Wally said, with all the innocence of a guilt man. He lifted the camera, turned around and pointed it at a bemused Bruce Wayne.

"I'll take care of tha-"

"Bruce?" a voice interrupted, monotone. "What're you...?"

The camera turned to find none other than Dick Grayson in a cell, fingers curled around and head leaning on the iron bars. Despite his situation, he looked completely at ease.

"I already paid the bail," Bruce said, "We're just waiting for the paperwork to be finalized."

"And by that you mean...?" Dick cocked an eyebrow.

"I bribed the guard and he's erasing any evidence of you being held here."

Dick sighed. "You shouldn't have-"

"You know I d-"

"No, Bruce!" Dick snapped. "You should've left me here to," he cut himself off, swallowed, darted his eyes around and continued, his voice dropping to a hushed whisper, "you should've left me here to... pay for my mistakes."

There was a moment of silence, and Wally turned the camera to show Bruce glaring at Dick. The tension was thick- not the good kind- and it was clear as day to anyone watching, regardless of how well you know the two.

"Turn of the camera, Wally," Dick said, finally, sounding exhausted and on edge.


"What is that?" Bruce grunted, glaring at a particularly unflattering bruise on the side of Dick's face. It was difficult to see, due to the darkness of the juvenile detention center, but once it caught your eye you couldn't forget it.

"It's nothing," Dick snapped, his hand instinctively coming to cover it. Once his fingers brushed the bruise, he removed his hand quickly, struggling to contain a gasp of pain. "It's nothing," he assured, "I-I ran into a wall..."

"You ran into a wall," Bruce repeated, simply because the subtlety of his eyebrow twitching said it all.

Dick was many things, but he had the blood of a carefully calculated trapeze artist. He is many things, and clumsy isn't one of them.

"That's a bold face lie, Dickie," Wally cut in, and jerked backwards when both Bats turned to glare at him.

"Turn off the fucking camera, Wally," Dick just about yelled.

"Okay, okay," Wally said, lowering the camera and pretending to hit the off switch. "It's off now. No need to get angry."

"Wallace," Bruce growled, and Dick sighed.

"I just-" he let out a frustrated noise, "When can we go back to the manor?"

There was a moment of silence.

"Uh... Okay, you're right. I shouldn't have assumed you were going to take me back after I got in trouble and acted like a dick- pun not intended- and don't worry if you don't want to, I under-"

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