Video #IM DONE

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The thirteen year old on the screen wore a twisted smile, with patches of blood on his forehead and cheeks and smeared on shaking hands. He licked his lips and raised the camera to eye level.

He was wearing a tattered excuse of his costume, and his mask had a huge gash over one eye- revealing a sliver of blue.

"Don't let anyone tell you I'm not a monster," he growled, "ever again."

"Robin!" A voice shouted, out of view. "Come down, now."

Robin's eyes widened and he bit down on his lip when he saw something to his right. His hair blew in the wind, and it was suddenly very obvious that he was high up.

"Fuck," he muttered. "Look. I'm about to throw myself off this building-" he looked down again, and yelled his next words, "If you come up here I'll just slit my wrists and end it sooner!" He lowered again, "As I was saying... Don't be sad, not that you should be, anyways, because I'm doing this for everyone's betterment. Trust me, things are better this way. Th-things are better. I-I did s-stuff... bad stuff... and who says I can't do it a-again? So... I'm g-going to make sure that doesn't hap-"

The camera fell to the floor, and a muffled scream was heard. It was now visible that Robin was standing on a ledge, with a broken leg and only one shoe (obviously not in his right state of mind), and now being held down by a stoic Superman.

"Fuck you," Robin sobbed, "P-Put me do-own, please."

The words tore from his throat, desperate and depressed.

Superman just hushed him, dropping to his knees with the boy in his hold. "Shh... You're okay, now. We're gonna get you all better."

"No," Robin wailed, in between screaming, "Please, let. me. die."

The video was suddenly cut off, and everyone simultaneously turned to stare at Robin. He held the camera in shaking hands, his lips slightly parted and eyes shut. "I don't wanna talk about it," he said before anyone can ask. "I need a break."

With that being said, he stood from his seat (with all the courage a terrified teen can offer) and scurried to his room. The distant shut of a metallic door signaling his official departure.

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