Video #8

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This video was much like the first, they were in the same poorly lit room with the same seating arrangements. The camera was even hitting the same angle. The only difference were the ages.

Kid Flash, who was much closer than the age he is now, sat in front of the camera all suited up. He was nervously bobbing his leg up and down and fidgeting so fast you could barely see it.

Robin, suited as well, walked in from behind the camera and took a seat next to Kid Flash. They awkwardly sat in front of the camera for what seemed like forever, until Robin shoved Kid Flash for moving to much.


"Shut up!" Robin hissed, "I'm thinking of an introduction."

"Look," Wally said, throwing a hand over Robin's mouth to muffle his protests, "if you don't know who we are then you're definitely living under a rat infested, moldy rock. But that's okay! We'll introduce ourselves anyways! I'm Kid Flash and this is-" Kid Flash looked expectantly at Robin and removed his hand.

Robin face palmed. "Really? That's your introduction. You know what, I don't even care... This is gonna be a lot of footage to edit out later."

"Last time we let you edit the footage you deleted the whole video by accident!"

"Shut up!"

"And dance with me," Wally sang. Robin stared for a minute, completely silently. Before Wally tossed his head back and laughed, practically forcing the giggles bubbling from Robin's throat.

"Okay," Robin said after the laughter died down. "We've got a box of questions and we're gonna answer then all... Yeah..."

Another round of awkward silence, until Wally added, "Of course, we won't be answering any that can reveal our identities."

"Roy's in the back over there working on a project for school," Robin said, and Roy waved, "He's gonna be making sure we don't cheat or lie on any of the answers."

"Alright, first question," Wally grinned, removing it from the bag. "'Are you guys gay?'"

Robin choked on air, the blunt question shocking him. "What?" He sputtered, trying to regain his composure.

"He asked 'Are you'-"

"I know what he asked," Robin said, laughing off his nerves a bit. "I'm a bit curious as to what brought up the question."

"The voice?" Speedy suggested.

"The tights?" Wally added.

"The obsession with your hair?"

"Always wearing sunglasses?"

"The rainbow uniform?"

"The sassy attitude?"

"Okay," Robin half yelled, "I do not have a 'sassy attitude'!"

Roy and Wally shared a look of disproval, and laughed.

"Now that we're down talking about how gay I look," Robin growled, then straightened up and cleared his throat. "I have nothing against gay people. I mean, I hang out with Wally almost every second of the day and he's obviously gay."

"Gay for you, babe," Kid Flash winked.
(This is where I realized I was rotating between their civilian and superhero names... I do understand I keep switching between them, but due to my laziness I refuse to go back and fix all of them :-))
"Pause!" Robin screeched excitedly, holding the remote in the air.

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