Video #5

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"This is one of the later ones. For some reason they got mixed in with the older ones instead of in chronological order," Roy explained, grinning like a madman.

"I don't remember an older one being next," Robin said, confused.

"It's because you've never seen it."

That's when Kid Flash's eyes widened in realization. All the color drained from his skin, "No way, Roy! We are not watching this one!! Roy, don't you dare hit that button, Mr.!"

"Quick, restrain him!"

Aqualad, somewhat startled, wrapped his water barriers around a horrified Kid Flash.

Sadly, Kid Flash couldn't outrun something that wasn't moving.

Dick, throughout everything, just sat on the couch mildly stumped. "Which video is it?" He asked confused.

"Trust me," Roy said, "you'll love it," before hitting play.
The setting seemed to be inside a hideout. There were the most expensive computers and equipment out there. There were multiple people there.

"Alright," said a voice behind the camera. It sounded an awful lot like the present Wally, maybe a bit squeakier. He pointed to a girl with long blonde hair, wearing a green v-neck and jogging pants. She was barefooted. "That is Artemis, AKA Arty Farty." Artemis rolled her eyes, slumping down on a green sofa.

Next a pointed to a girl... With green skin.
Everyone stared at Beast Boy, who was staring hard at the camera. "I know her."

Robin, Kid Flash and Speedy flinched.
Robin's face suddenly paled, "And I know this video. Fuck you Roy!"

He lunged for the remote, which Speedy yanked away.

"No way we are watching this!"

"Yes way!"

"Speedy, I will happily tell them that one thing you want no one to know," Robin threatened, his eyes flickering to Aqualad who was still holding Kid Flash captive, "If you show them that one that we want no one to know."

"It's about time you realized, Robby," Kid Flash said.

"Fine," Speedy huffed. "But they will find out eventually, you know."

"Right back at you," Kid Flash muttered to Speedy. Kid Flash was soon freed from Aqualad's holding, and hopped on the couch next to Robin, casually laying his head on Robin's lap.

Robin instantly adapted to this new seating my arrangement, and combed his fingers, almost absentmindedly, in the Speedster's hair. Neither of them were concerned of the tangles he would surely get.

"So, next video?" Cyborg suggested.

"Sure," Kid Flash said, grabbing the remote and hitting play.

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