Video #13

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"Fuck," an eight year old Robin hissed into the camera. His eyes were bloodshot, face too pale and coughs were sputtering from his throat. "Why do I even have this here?"

A beat of silence passed. "Uh... fuck, okay. Look, um, I'm not sure I'm gonna leave this mission breathing. For those who weren't told, I was gassed by..." his face scrunched up in confusion. He wiped at his eyes frustratedly, "I don't know," and he sounded completely terrified.
"What happened?" Beast Boy asked, eyes wide and remote dangling from his hand.

"I don't wanna talk about it," Robin licked his lips, and didn't remove his eyes from the screen.

"He went after the man who murdered his parents," Wally said softly, nervously looking at Dick to see his reaction. He didn't object, or do anything for that matter. He just started at the screen, expressionless.

"I-" he suddenly said. "I thought he was there, but it was Riddler's damned henchmen. I was pissed when I figured out it wasn't Ton-" he inhaled deeply, "Tony... I guess I let my emotions blind my common sense, and I ran in without backup. I underestimated them, and payed the price. I had a concussion by this point."

"Uh... what he said," Wally added.

"As helpful as always," Roy said, rolling his eyes. "What ever would we do without you."

"Die, probably," Wally said, with all seriousness.

"Speaking of which," Robin deadpanned. "I would rather watch the video than listen to you, right now."

"Yeah, you only want to listen to me when your begging me to say your name," Wally smirked, then raised his voice several octaves, "Wally, oh Wally, say it ag-"

He shut up when Dick punched him. "I thought mini me was the one suffering from memory loss. Obviously, he's not the only victim. Last time I checked you were the one begging for me. Oh, how I want your Richard, Dick."

Roy snorted, and the rest of the Titans laughed a slightly mortified laugh.

"For whoever finds this, I just wanted to say sorry to Bruce," his eyelids drooped. "Uh... he was a great father when I needed him. After everything with, uh, my parents and George and Tony, I really needed someone there for me. Thank you for being that person. Uh... to Batman: Thanks for training me and always having my back out on the field. I'm sorry to disappoint you. I was stupid and..." his hold on the camera slacked and all you could see was the tip of ebony hair as violent coughs shook his body. "Wally. Hey." The camera tilted back down to show his lopsided smile.

Outside of the video, Wally draped a goofy arm over Dick's shoulders. Mainly, for support.
"Uh... I love you, bro. Thanks for everything. I've only known you for the few months I've been Robin, but I feel like our friendship is a lifetime..." his eyes closed for a minute, and he covered his mouth to hide his coughs. "Lifetime..." his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "Uh... I think I'm running out of blood," he cussed. He groaned as he reached down to dab some blood of the bullet wound on his leg. He winced and showed the camera a blood coated hand. "I'm definitely dying," he said, no fear evident in his tone. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he dropped the camera and laid his head on the concrete. "Maybe I'll get to see my parents." After that, his words had slurred into a foreign language.

"Robin?" A deep, obviously worried, voice called out.

"Tati?" Robin weakly called back.

"Robin!" The voice was closer now.

"Hey... Brucee..."

A shadow passed by the camera's view, and disappeared just as quickly as it came.

"Did I get him?"

"Don't talk. Save your energy."

"Did I get Zucco, tati?"

"Zucco?" His voice grew concerned.

There was a pause.

"Robin, Zucco isn't here."

"B-but..." Robin sounded sincerely confused.

"Shh," Batman said, his usual growl turning into something more of a soothing coo. "You're hurt. Don't worry right now. I'm going to take care of you."


A dark hand grabbed the camera, and stared at it for a moment before shutting it off.
The next scene begun in a white room. The star being a drugged up Dick Grayson.

"He's still alive, so no need to worry, viewers."

Dick gave a crooked smile at the camera. "Wally, 'm tire'."

"Don't go to bed yet, Dickie," Wally said, abandoning the camera on a table and laying besides a bandaged up Dick on a white sheeted bed. "Bruce said I needa' keep you awake long enough to run more tests. So, I have decided to use the time to canoodle the crap out of you."

With a smirk, Wally threw a limp arm over Dick's shoulders.

"What the fuck were you thinking?"


"Dick, if you're thinking about catching Zucco, you need to take someone with you. You know what that does to your judgement."

There was a beat of silence. "George..."

"Is in jail." Wally assured, running a soothing hand through the distressed bird's hair. "He can't hurt you anymore."

Robin opened his mouth the undoubtedly argue, when the door swung open.

"Dickie?" Roy said, his voice uncharacteristically soft. "Hey. How're you doing?"

Dick shrugged, and leaned back on the white pillow. "'Tired. George?"

Roy shared a worried look with Wally. "Uh... Dickie, George's in jail."

"Mhm," Robin agreed, completely dazed. He didn't seem to understand the conversation.

"Wally, are you recording this?"


"Why, exactly?"

"Dick was recording it earlier," Wally said, as if it were obvious. Roy rolled his eyes.

He looked at the camera, his face serious, "Love you, Dick, but no way in hell am I dealing with your sorry ass while being recorded." With that said, he walked over to the camera and shut it off.

Based off a request. Hope you liked it :)

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