Do it for the Vine

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"What's next?" Kid Flash asked. Surprisingly, he was actually sitting on his own side of the couch, not opting to curl up with Robin. "I don't remember."

Roy shrugged, and Robin mimicked the action.

"Guess there's only one way to tell," Beast Boy grinned madly, and snatched the remote. Without hesitation he hit the play button.

"This takes forever to load," an inpatient voice all but whined. "How do the boys deal with this."

"It hasn't been anymore than a couple seconds," another voice muttered, and you could definitely hear him rolling his eyes.

"Why is it still all black?" The first asked, "isn't it supposed to turn on when the light is blinking?"

"That's actually a good que- hey! Give it back, BC! We're grown men and superheroes, I'm sure we can figure out a simple-"

There was a pause, and the blackness of the screen suddenly disappeared. In it's place, was four superheroes sharing a green couch, and one in the background who couldn't quite be seen well with the camera's quality.

"Oooooohhhhh," Flash and Green Arrow, who were sitting on the couch with whoever held the camera, awed together.

"Multiple of the world's strongest heroes defeated by a lens cover on tape. We're in good hands," whoever was holding the camera scowled. She introduced each hero by zooming in on them and saying their name. She introduced Flash and Green Arrow, Aquaman- who was sitting on one of the armrests-, Martian Manhunter- who was sitting closest to the camera-, and Batman- who was shielded by the surrounding shadows-, then herself, Black Canary,

"We noticed some... suspicious work... going on with our protégés. We're here to see what it's all about," Green Arrow spoke first.

Nobody on the video noticed the dark figure disappear. He returned to the video, now standing beside the couch.

"I'm only here to prove... Birdflash... isn't a thing," he grunted, and left the camera's view.

"It totally is!" Flash shrieked, "Deal with it, B-man! Our protégés are hopelessly in love and will be together for ever! Birdflash! Birdflash! Bir-"

Everyone thanked Green Arrow for the hand muffling Flash's chants.

"The kids might hear," Black Canary pointed out, rolling her eye's at the speedster's impulsiveness.

Muffled shrieks and laughter could be picked up from the camera, and this time it wasn't Flash.

"What's going on?" Aquaman asked, his worry obvious.

"I believe they are shouting, 'Do it'...?" Martian Manhunter said lowly, trying to focus on the noise.

Simultaneously, all heroes stood and made their way over to the sound. They turned multiple corridors and stopped in front of one solid metal door.

"Robin has strict orders. No people are allowed in his room," Batman said gruffly. He moved to jam in the override code, but was stopped with a cautious hand on his shoulder. He swung around, successfully removing the hand, then Bat-Glared at Green Arrow who shook his head and pointed to his ear.

The close proximity made it easier to pinpoint exactly what the kids were saying now.

"Do it for the Vine!" Multiple voices chorused.

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