~ Ch 1

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This chapter is more in regards of explaining something I wrote in a previous chapter, rather than the group watching a video. Enjoy! This is slightly AU but still follows with the basic plot.

"You can turn off the camera now, Roy," Dick said. "And delete that before anyone sees it. I already have enough tapes of me doing naughty things with other people, I don't need another one."

"Wally," came Dick's voice through metal doors. It wasn't difficult to detect the wariness and lack of sleep in him, and it was obviously that he had been crying.

Wally sped to the metal doors, jamming in the code that unlocked them. The second the doors slid open, scrawny arms were being throw around his neck and he had to grab Dick's waist to keep from tumbling down.

"Shh. You're alright," he hushed, and stepped inside his room to close the doors. He led Dick to his bed and the boy crawled in instantly. "What's wrong?"

A small sound escaped his lips and, instead of explaining, he grabbed Wally's arm and wrapped it around himself. He pushed his back in Wally's chest and drew the speedster's second arm around him, as well. The boy, clad in one of Wally's shirts (how he had gotten it, he will never know (not that he had been complaining, though)) and oversized sweatpants hanging low on his hips, had folded himself as tightly against Wally as physically possible. And, keep in mind that he's an acrobat, so there wasn't  much that wasn't physically possible.

"Dickie?" Wally was once again met with silence. He sighed and brought his chin down to Dick's head. "Goodnight, then. I'm here if you want to talk."

Dick nodded hesitantly, interlocking their fingers on one arm and squeezing tightly. Wally shut his eyes, and began nodding off.

"I had a dream about George," came the small voice of his boyfriend. "A-and I... did the th-thing again and I'm so...scared... that he's coming back and I-I don't know what to do, and I just want you to hold me and tell me you love me, and maybe lie a little and say everything will be okay." Considering this was a common request from the Boy Wonder, Wally wasn't surprised. But the beginning had irked him a bit.

"Tell me about George."

Considering this was a common request from the Scarlet Speedster, Dick wasn't surprised. But he had already had this talk with Wally.

"You patched yourself up right?"

Dick breathlessly led Wally's fingers to the bandages on his arms.

"Good. I'll redo them in the morning. What was your dream about?"

Tears quickly found their way back to Dick's eyes and Wally sat up- taking Dick with him- and held the acrobat against his chest. "I- I- he..." he took a deep breath. "He made... videos... r-r..."

It took Dick a moment to process this. "He raped you."

"I'm sorry," Dick sobbed, pulling his hair, "I'm used and broken and not good enough for you and I lied so you thought I was, but I'm not and I'm so so-rry."

Wally wounded pale fingers into Ebony hair and mouthed a silent cuss word. "Dick, never say that again. You're perfect, and I couldn't ask for anyone better. What George did was..." he balled his fists. "so fucked up but in no way are you any of those things."

He barely contained his rage long enough to calm down Dick.

"Does anyone know about this?"

"Only the people with the videos," he whispered, shaking again.

"He..." Wally swallowed, "He sold them."

"Y-Yeah... when he wasn't selling me," he said the last part quiet enough that Wally had to strain his ears to hear. But he did. And the words were loud and clear. Dick was sold for sex. Not sex. Rape.

If you guys liked this I'll be willing to do a part two ❤️❤️

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