chapter 1

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A long time ago, there were those with superhuman strength and longevity, who used their powers to protect humanity from catastrophes.
They chose to live in the shadows, quietly and in solitude. Worshipped by humans, they we're sometimes known as nobles, sometimes as rulers, and sometimes as gods. But little is know of the strongest among them, who protected the other nobles.
These guardians of the nobles... They were called the "Noblesse."
Much rather speaking, I am the wife of the noblesse.
My name is Mei Cadis Etrama Di Raizel. I'm married to Cadis Etrama Di Raizel.

I finally have a last name.

Its been 820 years since I was asleep, and I've been awake for a week now. After what happened so long ago, I didn't think I'd ever recover this much. But I'm able to gain lifeforce with the lifeforces around me, which means anything that has life, is given to me and is added on to my life force. My body is a lot stable now. I hope the world didn't go too crazy in my absence, with death roaming around by himself, who knows what could happen.

But I wonder of Rai, is he ever going to wake up too? I was asleep in the coffin with him this whole time for the passed years giving him my life force as I gain life force in order for him to recover. Even though, in the place and state we were in, it was hard to gain any life energy.
Maybe I shouldn't have left....
This world has changed so much, luckily I'm able to adapt quickly....rai....? well....he's not the best person with directions. I'm very worried about him.

When I arrived at Frankenstein's office at the school, he was very shocked to see I was awake.

Mei: are you?
Frankenstein: ......mistress...? If your awake...then...
Mei: ...he hasn't woken up yet.
Frankenstein: ....?
Mei: he's still sleeping and recovering.
Frankenstein: then we have too....
Mei: Frankenstein. Just let him rest....please...

but after a week passed, I started to get worried.
I was sitting in class with the rest of the human students. School was very fun. I made friends and got to wander with the humans. I did this years ago, and it feels refreshing to do it again, and the life energy I get from them feels nice.
On break I roamed around the school, observing people mostly. A lot has changed over the passed 820 years.
I've adapted quickly in just a week though.
I'm surprised though. Even after I woke up, in this week, death has not shown himself to me. Life has finally came back into the world....but death was not in sight.

He better not be planning anything again.

I sat in Frankenstein's house and drinked tea that Frankenstein prepared for me. It was nice, but I felt lonely without rai here.

Frankenstein: mistress...why the long face?
Mei: ...I just feel....sad....about everything. If not for me....Rai...and Muzaka...

I stopped, sat the teacup down gently into the table, then stood up from my seat.

Mei: I need some air for a bit...I'll be out on the balcony.
Frankenstein: ....yes, mistress.

I walked out onto the balcony. I had became the dusk of dawn.

Mei: ...when I see death I'm gonna...
Vince: you're gonna what?

Speak of the dead man...

Death appeared standing next to me out of nowhere. And just as quickly as he showed up, I immediately slapped him hard across his face, drawing blood from his lip, but it healed immediately.

Mei: been waiting to do that for a, I hate you.
Vince: everyone does.
Mei: why are you here?
Vince: I can't come see life after all these year? I haven't seem you in over 800 years. You could of came back after a few minutes, but you stayed in there with him for 820 years....seriously...?
Mei: I stayed to protect my husband. I may be the embodiment of life, but I do have free will to make whatever decisions I want.
Vince: there are consequences of going against what your created for. Life is not meant to do any of the things your committing.
Mei: .....who are you to tell me what I'm created for?...what type of sin am I committing? Loving someone, caring about others, wanting peace...?! WHAT ACTS OF SIN AM I COMMITTING?! I have wants and needs just like any other being, and so do you! ....or is this all because YOU want and need me!

Vince lashed out at me and grabbed my neck.

That set him off...

Vince: I WANT and NEED you to die!

His actions did not faze me one bit. All the statements I said spoke the truth. I reached and grabbed his neck, tightening my grip.

Mei: the feeling is mutual.

I turned my head towards the balcony door I suddenly heard loud shuffling coming from inside the house. I looked back in front of me and Death had vanished. Immediately I rushed towards the door and opened it quickly. I whipped my head around and Frankenstein had fallen to his knees, but then....the person who stood before my eyes....

Mei: Cadis....Etrama Di....Raizel

A small smile appeared on his face as he looked at me.

Raizel: Cadis Etrama Di Mei.

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now