chapter 71

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After all have calmed and the situation subsided, we were all about to head home. I felt bad about the mansion. That was all of our first home...Now we can't return to it. All the memories inside and of our colleagues have now been erased.

For a few moments of my recovery, I kept feeling weak and started coughing up blood not too long after.

Why do I feel weak, after all this and the life forces I absorbed I feel wary....

Frankenstein: mistress, are you alri-

Mei: I am fine...I'll recover.

Raizel: .....

Lascrea: Raizel. Mei...

On the way out Lascrea had stopped us.

Lascrea: are you all going back?

Only Rai gave her a simple response with only a nod of his head.

Lascrea: I see...

Lascrea looked wary herself, but more troubled about something. I hope what Ragus did didn't effect her too much.

Raizel: Lascrea, you cannot defend everyone with strength alone. And there is no need to pay any attention to what Ragus said. There is more than one way to use the power that you have. Using your power to protect something is also a way of using your power. The way of using it is simply different.

Lascrea: ...

With that, we were all about to take our leave, but what Lascrea said next made us halt.

Lascrea: do you not regret what happened? ....the family leaders who betrayed us were once loyal followers and friends of both of you. They all stuck with you when you usually had no one else.

Mei: ...regret, huh...?

Raizel: ...regrets...are an extravagant emotion to me.

Rai then continued on on walking and Frankenstein followed behind.
Somehow, my heart suddenly felt heavy.

Lascrea: ...mei?

Mei: ....

I didn't turn to look at Lascrea, neither did I answer her. I just picked up my feet and just followed along behind rai and Frankenstein.
Within a few days time of arriving back to the human world, I fell ill. Which is weird because I've never been ill before. Tired from exhaustion a lot, but never ill. Even around the same time Rai was suffering as well from his lack of life force, and I was in no condition to be by his side at the moment.

I was bedridden for these few days, experiencing dizziness, fatigue, changes in body temperature, a lot of sharp pains in various parts of my body, and coughing up a lot of blood. At one point it was so unbearable that it made me pass out a few times within the day.

Mei: what...the hell....

I tried with all my might to at least sit myself up in the bed. It was even so difficult to move.

Mei: gotta...check on...Rai...

I managed to stand up out of my bed, my legs feel like they could give out at any moment. Everything in my vision seemed to spin in circles as I tried to make my way to the door.
When I felt I got close enough to the door, my stomach started to turn.

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now