Chapter 90

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Lascrea: Cadis Etrama Di Raizel. I didn't think that you would be here. What brings you here?

Raizel: ....

Lascrea: ah, I misspoke. Of course there must be a good reason for you to be here.

Lascrea then looked at Yuuki.

Yuuki: .....

Lascrea: ...and who might you be?

Yuuki's eyes turned Brown and she retreated behind Raizel, clinging to him.

Zaiga: Greetings to the Lord of the nobles. My name is Zaiga, I am a werewolf warrior. And that must be the noblesse. Excuse me for before.

Raizel: .....

Zaiga: I should have been more careful around such a great person but I was mistaken. What brings the Lord of the nobles and noblesse here?

Lascrea: This doesn't seem like the kind of situation where we can calmly talk this out. Cadis Etrama Di Raizel. You go ahead first. I'll handle things here.

Raizel looked at Lascrea, then back at Yuuki.
Yuuki, now with green eyes again, knew what he was think so she just nodded in agreement. Then, Raizel took off with Yuuki following along behind.

Yuuki: ...will they be okay?

Raizel: they will.

There was a long silence between them, not a comfortable one but an eerie silence that made Yuuki uncomfortable.

Yuuki: ........father...

Raizel: You shouldn't have come, Yuuki.

Her eyes changed Brown.

Yuuki: ...I'm sorry. But....I couldn't relive this again...

Raizel: ...again?

Suddenly, right ahead of them, a giant explosion with a wave of strong energy had occured.

Yuuki: ....what...just happened?

Raizel: ...

Then, Raizel froze. Yuuki looked at him confused but almost immediately got the same feeling.

Yuuki: brother...

Raizel: Frankenstein...
The situation is looking dier from Kaname's point of view.
Unbelievably, Dorant had taken out Frankenstein.

Kaname: how was that even possible. Is he really that Frankenstein losing control of the spear?

Yuuki: brother...

Kaname could hear Yuuki's voice.

Kaname: ...sister?

Yuuki: brother, what's happening over there? I suddenly had a really bad feeling.

Kaname: ...the trying to consume Frankenstein.

Raizel: ....?!

In an instant, all three of them went into the mind of Frankenstein.

They all called for him, but it seemed as if he could only faintly hear any of them.

Raizel: Frankenstein.

Frankenstein: ...master?!

He could finally hear at the call of Raizel.

Raizel: I left the rest to you because I trusted you. But you are in a dangous state right now. So I'm going to ask you. Can I leave the rest to you and go to M-21?

Yuuki: ...?!

Frankenstein: ...of course, master.

Yuuki:, help them out too, from here.

Kaname nodded.

Frankenstein: ...I'm sorry to look this way in front of you. Leave it to me right till the end.

Raizel: very well. Then as always...I'll trust you.

Frankenstein: .....

Kaname: now...awaken, Frankenstein.
Raizel: .....will they be fine?

Yuuki's eyes changed red.

Yuuki: ....yes. As long as brother is there, they will make it alive.

Raizel: ...lets go. Can you sense ignes?

Yuuki: yes. She's very close by.

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now