chapter 10

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Looking through the past memories of M-24 I was able to find this organization's facility.
Rai and the rest might have probably finished visiting the kids, so I have a bit of time left.

Mei: ...most of the people here are human...hmm...I gotta get pass surveillance...

I thought for a quick second then came up with an idea. I'll become 'nonexistent'. That way I can walk right through the front and no one would see or notice me.
I went down and walked through the automatic doors in the front.

Man, if Rai saw this he would flip.....nah, he'd probably be confused.

Everyone going in and out the building were human, and didn't seem to look involved with the organization. I took the elevator and went down to the basement.
Its empty.
My head started to hurt slightly on one side.

Something isn't right...

Walking down through the halls I could hear talking and sounds of machinery...when I walked in it wasn't what I expected though. All of the people here in this room were unconscious. And what surprised me even more was the thing they were experimenting on. It was that man M-21 and m-24 infected.
But how....

Simon: take care of the unconcsious researchers and install EMP to the servers and computers.

What the hell are they doing?

Being as a nonexistent, none of the men noticed my presence.

Simon: is this the subject undergoing the experiment?

The man had a has mad on so I couldn't get a clear look at his face.

Scientist 1: what's all this? You are major Simon, aren't you? Don't think I wouldn't recognize you with that mask on. You are in charge of security. Why are you doing this?

Three of the scientists managed to stay conscious with oxygen masks.

Simon: ....
Scientist 1: you think he will let this go? Answer me!

Some of the other men came and pointed there guns at them.

Simon: you don't know anything.
Scientist 1: what don't we know? What do you mean?
Simon: Dr. Crombell ordered all this.
Scientist1: what? That's nonsense...why would he...

With Simon giving the signal, all the men had shot the three scientists down multiple times until they seemed dead.

Mei: ...!!
Crombell: good work.
Simon: not at all. I'm at the main lab you mentioned.
Crombell: you're fast. There's a subject undergoing an experiment. I'd like you to destroy it.
Simon: I will turn off the power to the facility. Then, when the organization retrieves the device....
Crombell: no.
Simon: ....?
Cromwell: you can destroy the subject by cutting the main power. It need to be destroyed. I know it's troublesome, but I need you to do it.
Simon: yes, sir. I'll report back to you when everything's taken care of.
Crombell: okay.

None of this doesn't seem right...its not adding up...
Suddenly my head hurt furiously and split into multiple people in the room before coming back to my own mind. Everyone in this room is in danger.

Simon: cut the power and destroy the subject.

No. You can't....

Man 1: we cut the power line, sir.

Simon held up his hand to give the signal. But I noticed...the man was awake.


Simon then gave the signal. All the men immediately fired there guns at the subject relentlessly until Simon ceases them.

Mei: .....
Simon: we are behind schedule. Hurry up and install the EMP.

This man is not dead, the bullet wounds he sustained are healing themselves.
They all noticed this as I did.

Simon: let him die in peace.

Simon have the signal again and they all started shooting unroll he was back down, Simon stopped them again.

Man 1: sir, the wounds are still healing. What should we do?
Mei: ...

I decided at this point to become existent so they can see me. I now noticed what's finally going on. What Crombell is planning.

Simon: ...who are you?
Mei: you made a mistake to stay here, Simon.
Simon: what?
Mei: since you cut that power, you woke that thing up.
Simon: ...!!!!!

The man started to get up to his feet. I could feel the vibe of immediate bloodlust.

Mei:...Simon, you were used to collect data on this man for Dr. Crombell.
Simon: ...!!! Everyone attack!

They all immediately fired at the man until they backed out of the room. I turned nonexistent again and moved out of the way. I looked at the man, none of the bullets are affecting him at all. Then I noticed...a grenade.
I quickly put up a barrier around myself before it went off.

Mei: ...?

I looked up and noticed the man was still standing. Even after a grenade he still never went down?!

Suddenly noticed something else....

....Rai has made it in the building....also, I sense Crombell on the roof.

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now