Chapter 93

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Rael: is that...?

Karius: what was that power just now?

Kaname: ....

Karius: whew~. What could have been there to give off such intense power?

Frankenstein: ....was it...

Kaname: ...Yuuki...

Kaname started to bleed from his eyes.

Frankenstein: Kaname, your eyes...?!

Kaname: ...come on.

Quickly, they all rushed off.
The beast appeared behind Yuuki and attacks but she immediately dodged, countering with her own punch, knock the beast back harshly. Yuuki took her scythe and swung it but the beast evaded and fluttered away to the sky.
It let out a blast that scattered itself down towards all of them.

Yuuki: ...?!

Ignes: ...?!

Yuuki placed up a barrier around herself to stay protected from the beams.
But again the beast blasted another beam towards Yuuki, and she quickly stopped it with her hands, keeping the barrier strong so it could hold against the blast.

Yuuki: ...ngh!...

She then bagan to push it back.
But while she was distracted, she didn't notice Ignes going after Raizel.

Yuuki: ...uh!?

Ignes: Lord Raizel, please accept my feelings.

Yuuki: ...NO!!

As soon as her attention was fully distracted, her barrier came undone, but she negated the blast and sent it flying toward Ignes.

Ignes: ...?!


Ignes quickly dodged the attack.

Ignes: ...ngh.

Yuuki started to seem out of breath.

Ignes: ...why won't you just die?!

Yuuki: ........I continue a future....without my father!!!

Ignes: ..!?

In the swoop of a second, Ignes' arm was gone.

Ignes: agh!!!

Yuuki: ...?!

Kaname: Yuuki!!

Kaname quickly came in and took Yuuki into his arms, hugging her tight.


Kaname: thank goodness, your safe.

Yuuki: when did...?!

Frankenstein: you.....

Everyone could clearly see the angry dark aura coming from Frankenstein.

Ignes: ...?!

Frankenstein: you crazy bitch. Where do you think your going?!

Ignes: Frankenstein. You...

Frankenstein: shut your mouth. How dare you talk nonsense like that after doing that to my master and Yuuki?!

Ignes: .....

Frankenstein: I could never let you of all people just walk away.....

Ignes started to back away and cowar.

Frankenstein: Yuuki. Kaname. I'll handle all this. Take the master and leave.

Kaname: Frankenstein....

Yuuki tugged on Kaname's shirt.

Yuuki: brother...let's hurry, please...

Kaname could see how tired Yuuki was, so he took a moment then nodded at Yuuki.

Kaname: ....right, I understand.....

But then everything seemed to freeze.

Yuuki: no....he woke up.

Raizel: I'm sorry. Frankenstein. Kaname. Yuuki......
I did want You all to see me like this.

Kaname and Yuuki: ....?!

Raizel: Without even realizing it, I guess....I wanted to stay here a bit longer.....

Blood started to seep from Raizel's mouth.

Raizel: until now I wouldn't mind...even if my life were to end in a few days, or even this very minute.

Yuuki:! That's not fair, you can't just leave us like this!!

Raizel's Blood field started to emerge.

Yuuki: father....!

Then it expanded even bigger, surrounding them.

Yuuki: father! Stop being so reckless and listen to me!! Your gonna...

Suddenly, there was a loud scream that pierced not only everyone's ears, but it was a scream that could pierce into the heavens. A scream of bloody murder.
The ground shook, but the scream and the shaking of the earth suddenly ceased just as soon as it occured.

Yuuki and Kaname: mother....?!

Kaname and Yuuki's bodies started to fad in and out from each other.

Yuuki stumbled and fell over on to her knees.

Yuuki: what's....Happening?

Kaname: .....we're...about to be born.

Yuuki's eyes turned red and looked at Kaname.

Yuuki: no no!....not yet...we can't!

Kaname:'s over. We failed again....we still couldn't....

Yuuki: no! Don't say that! It's not too late!

Yuuki stood to her feet and ran to Raizel.

Kaname: Yuuki, stop! It's over. We've done enough here!!

Yuuki: father please...

Raizel: Yuuki.

Raizel reached out to her, then pulled her into his arm.

Raizel: ...I'm sorry.

Yuuki: ......idiot. How many I have to continue doing this....? When...can I stop..?

Yuuki grasped into Raizel tightly. Tears streaming from her eyes, unable to stop them.

Yuuki: I wanted this to end. No matter how many times I've tried to save you, you always have to die before my eyes.

Raizel: Yuuki.

Raizel hugged her even tighter.

Raizel: aren't you tired of pushing yourself too hard?
There is no need to push yourself anymore for my sake.

Yuuki: father...please...

Raizel: and Kaname...Give all my your mother...

Yuuki's eyes turned Brown.

Yuuki: .....we won't be able too...very soon....she's going to die any minute.

Raizel: ....?!

Kaname: Yuuki, stop...

In that moment, everything seemed to have moved slowly.

Yuuki: ....because mother is going to die giving birth to me and brother.....

Kaname: ...Yuuki!!

Yuuki: please. Please, don't leave us like this....

Right then, Yuuki had vanished. Then right after, so did Kaname.

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now