chapter 7

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My mind was transfered into Shinwu. He was the most in dangered person. My head stared to hurt tremendously. Shinwu was hurt badly, trying to fight off that man that had been turned...there was also someone else here.

Mei: we must hurry...the situation is not good.

I was being carried on Rai's back as we all jumped through the air to get to the kids. Being like I am I can feel somewhat of what Shinwu is feeling.
I closed my eyes and meditated again. I'm back in Shinwu's mind.


They all rushed in together, shinwu pounded on the buttons to get the door closed immediately. Just when the door closed, it was not at a right moment. There was a loud thud and Shinwu fell down.

Ikhan: he's coming!
Shinwu: no way!

A hand burst through the door with immense strength.

???: I see you.

This is not good.

Mei: no!...stop...stop it...!

My head hurt extremely bad now. The man was beating up Shinwu pretty bad. Shinwu tried to fight, but he's clearly no match.

???: now for you two.

The man turned to yuna and Ikhan now. But Shinwu, with what little strength he had, latched on to this man's ankle.

Shinwu: wait!!....
Mei: stop...
Shinwu: I'm not....going to let you...TOUCH MY FRIENDS...!!!

Suddenly I was pulled out of Shinwu's mind, and into someone else.
I felt a vein pop out of my head.

Mei: AAAH!!
Frankenstein: mistress...?!
Mei:...stop!...stop it...!

Who am I....?

Mei: ....I won't let you....TOUCH MY FRIENDS!!

I was the person I saw back in the alley who was hidden. I was in his memories. All these people, being slaughter right in front of the same man who was hurting Shinwu.

Mei: stop it...stop it...stop it...stop it....stop it....STOP IT!!!!

I charged at him.

Mei: ENOUGH!!!!

I snapped open my eyes and hopped off of Rai's back and leaped in front of them.

Frankenstein: mistress...?!

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion at a building right in front of us.

Mei: there!

I could see two people fighting. A man and a woman. The woman was clearly winning, and the man....I saw this man in the other guy's memories.
She was about to kill him.


I dived down and threw a kick at her. Since she didn't see it coming, the kicked knocked her back pretty hard into the wall.
I haven't swung a kick like that in 820 years!
It feels amazing to stretch my legs again. Gaining so much life force must have made me stronger in combat.

Looking back through these memories. This man is M-24...This injured man is M-21. That woman is Mari. And that other mysterious looking man is Jake.
Frankenstein and Rai finally caught up to me.

Mari: who...are you?

My headach started to calm down.

Frankenstein: where are the kids?

Mari stood up and smirked at us.

Mari: hmp. No use telling you now. They're probably dead already.

With my speed, I grabbed Mari's neck. She had no time to react. I glared at her with eyes that glowed two colors.
I squeezed her neck tighter.

Mei: Those who have sinned and toyed with the lives of humans will....
Rai: Mei...

I let go of Mari and backed off, back towards Rai. He grabbed hold of my hand to try and calm me.

M-21: the kids are in the basement. Leave her to me. You three go...
Mei: are no match for that woman. I understand your feelings, but if you die here, you will have died in you think all of your dead comrades want?!
M-21: How...did you...?

That seem to have hit home for him because he fell silent.

Rai: Frankenstein. Take care of her.
Frankenstein: yes, sir.
M-21: what?
Mei: lead the way.
M-21: are you crazy? He'll never beat Mari by himself!
Rai and Mei: we're wasting time.
M-21: ......alright. Its this way.

Suddenly, Mari attacked.

Mari: don't you can just get away from Me!

Frankenstein finally stepped in and stopped her.

Frankenstein: I guess you're facing me now.

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