chapter 79

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After hours, me and Rai ended up going back into the school. Rai just sat in his desk, Still for hours, he had his eyes on those pictures.
I was leaning in the doorway of the classroom staring at Rai.

He's just looks so happy.

So satisfied.

So content.

Mei: happiness...a mental or emotional state of well-being defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense emotion everyone and everything feels.

I walked over towards Rai and stood next to him.

Mei: how do you feel Rai?

Raizel: .....

He didn't answer, but I knew he was obviously happy.

Mei: happiness...that is the feeling I can sense from you. I can even see it. ..

I took Rai's chin and made him look up at me.
He still had his smile. That gentle, cute, and oh so contagious smile.

Mei:'s vividly yellow.

To think I could be the source of his happiness. For him to always look at me with so many feelings, so many expressions. To look at me and be his love, his world, his everything.

And I have never in my lifetime been with such a fascinate person who would make me love.

Rai took hold of my wrist and pulled me gently into his lap, burying himself in the crook of my neck.
I could feel his smile pressed against my skin.

Raizel: I wonder...why my whole world has changed a lot after I met you? It's not like I was unsatisfied with my life before, but it was very different than from what it is now. It's all because your by my side, mei.

I didn't know what to say next. I was always left speechless sometimes when he spoke to me like this.

Raizel: it includes my feelings, words, expressions, and actions...I've understood many times after knowing you. It's because of you I can feel these type of feelings and this type of happiness.

He raised his head and looked at me. Eyes filled with so much love and compassion.
Raising his hand towards me face, he moved my hairs to clearly see both my eyes. Then touch the skin of my cheek, caressing my face with a gentle and loving hand.

Raizel: you're so beautiful, Mei.

Mei:'re very handsome yourself, Raizel haha.

Raizel: you're laugh. You're smile. You're eyes....who you truly beautiful.

He took one of my hands and gently kissed the knuckles.

Raizel: I'm very happy. Elated. And to have these children with you, makes me feel even more joy.

Every word he spoke truly did make my heart skip a beat. Practically even took my breath away.

Mei: I'm very happy too. Meeting you has changed me in ways I never thought could. You've made me believe the impossible is possible...

Rai leaned over and connected his forehead to mine. His lips so close and hovering over mine.

Raizel: Mei...I love you.

Those words held strong feelings, and an even stronger effect upon me.
In his voice, you could hear how much he means those words. Like it was all he was ever speaking to me.

Mei: ...I love you too, Raizel.

We stare in comfortable silence before he kisses me softly, so gently, so lovingly. Repeating his words over and over again so I know he really means them.

Mei: are we gonna name the babies?

Raizel: ...?

Rai put his hand under his chin and gave a look of deep thought.

Mei: hehehe. No need to stress your brain over it...I can always do it myself.

Raizel: no.

Mei: No?

Raizel: those two are both our responsibility. So we are both responsible for the names...

Wow. Rai really is starting to seem more and more like a father.

Mei: .....haha, your right.

I copied Rai and put my hand under my chin while thinking.
And now I understand why he was struggling...coming up with a permanent name for a life.

Raizel: ........

Mei: ........any ideas?

Raizel: no.

Mei: hmm............let's just ask Frankenstein for help.

Raizel: ......okay.

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