Chapter 81

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It's hazy......

Everything is hazy.....

All I can gravel...

And everything hurts....


Why does everything hurt....?

Daughter: mo....Mom......

That voice....who is it....I've heard it before. the voice filled with so much panic....?


I smell...fresh blood..

My ears were ringing, I could barely hear anything. And it was suddenly so hard to breathe.


These voices...their so familiar.
I can barely hear them yet they are so familiar.

What's happening...?

Why Is there panic?

I tried to move, but when I did I felt this sharp pain in my back that felt as if it was on fire.

The pain felt unbarable.

Son and daughter: MOM!!!!!

Mei: uh?!

Vince: If you thought I was out to kill you before...this...oh this has given me plenty of reason to annihilate your existence at all cost.

This voice...I knew it could only belong to Vince.

What has he done to me....?

Them, everything suddenly came to a loud crash and then went black.

I awoke from my sleep with a loud gasp. Grasping my body in a tight hold around myself and started to tremble violently. My stomach was clenched so tightly, I thought I would vomit any second.

For a split second when everything went black...the horror I saw on my children's faces.

Mei: haa....haa....haa...

A hand suddenly touches my back, and out of instinct, I flinched and slapped the hand away.

Raizel: .....?

But it was just Rai. The shocked look on his face from my sudden action just reminded me of the faces my children made before the dream ended.

Mei: ....?!

Raizel: are you...alright?

Mei: ......

My hands started to shake. I felt as if the dream had a real crushing weight on me. I felt like I couldn't breath. Couldn't think. Couldn't calm down.
I tried to open my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

Raizel: bad dream?

Mei: n...nightmare...

Raizel: it's okay. It was just a dr...


Raizel: ?!

Mei: ....unless I'm lucidly dreaming....most of my dreams are prophetic....

Raizel: ....

Mei: Vince....killed me...

Raizel: ....!!!

Mei: and right in front of the kids.....he's really out to just kill me.

I felt so scared.

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now