Chapter 51

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I had woken up. It took a minute before my eyes adjusted to the room, but I was back...and on the sofa.

Why didn't they just put me in my bed?

I sat up to check my surroundings....No one was here.

Where is everyone?

It's so quiet.
I stood up and looked around.

Mei: ......seira....Regis...m-21...Tao, takio.....Frankenstein...........Rai....

No one answered, no one was here.
I looked around for my phone, but it was nowhere to be seen. Nor was it in my usual sitting spot....

Maybe they all went out and left me here to recover...I'll go out and find them then.
I headed towards the door, but when I tried to open it, it did not come open, even when I tried the right didn't budge. So I decided to try the Windows....nope, wouldn't come open.

What the hell is this? I'm trapped in?

Suddenly I heard a small three bell ring.
It was my phone, sitting on the coffee table....but I didn't see it there would have been clearly visible.
I picked it up and it was a message...but it was unknown.

"You are awake, mei"

Mei: ....clearly...but what the hell is happening? Why does this feel like a lockdown? ...where is everyone? ....where is Rai...?

The phone did three continuous rings again.

"Calm your mind, mei..."

I looked at the text rather confused.

Mei: ...wha...?

I suddenly felt a presence in the room...but who was it?

This is really starting to creep me out.

I turned around and nearly feel on the floor from shock when someone appeared in front of me, only to reveal that it was only Rai.

Mei: ....Oh,'s just you...don't scare me like that...

Raizel: ....

Mei: where is everyone? ....better yet, why is everything locked? Did Frankenstein do this....or was it Tao?

For some reason, the air seemed tensed. Like I felt boxed in.
Rai then took my hand, which startled me.
With his other hand, he arched my chin up, and then kissed me.
I was so confused and surprised by the sudden action, I yanked myself away from Rai entirely.
I peered up at him.
The air around him grew even more tense.

Mei: ......We don't have time to be messing around, rai....something feels wrong....

I turned my back to him, and picked up my phone from the floor from when I dropped it.

Mei: I'll call Frankenstein. He probably knows what's happening...

I tried the phone, but no answer...
I looked back at my phone, but I no longer had my phone, I had a flower crown with dead roses....

Mei: ...!?

I stiffened when I felt rai's hand touch my shoulder, and his breath on my neck.

Mei: R...Rai...?

I then froze completely when Rai had suddenly bit the side of my neck. I jolted forward and pushed Rai back away from me.

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now