chapter 75

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(Thee/ thou= you.

Mine = my

Thy/ thine = your or yours)
****girl's POV****

Oh the stars! How they glisten in this night so clear.
And the moon! Even the moon seems to smile upon me in this dreary mood of mine soul.
The wind is so the whispering of doves. Sir moon, so merry....I feel as if he invites me to follow, and dance with him along the stars.
Alas, I cannot join sir moon, for I must deal with death as he has his bewitching black scythe pressed against mine vocals.
This be the first time mine eyes seen Death in person.

Vince: what the hell are you doing here?

Death haveth a very soothing atmosphere in his dream....until he shows his presence.

I would expect a Death to be a more calm, wise, and collected entity. But this one before mine eyes be the complete opposite.

Girl: I am honored to meet thee, oh Lord and ruler of Death. I must confess myself smitten by thy blade.

The sharp black blade of his scythe rather intrigued mine interested. I could sense a strong pressure emitting from its darkness.

Vince: who the hell are you?

Girl: ....pray tell, what is this sound that pierces mine ears? Screams of anguish and terror - mine heart bleeds from the very sound of it! Yet, it feels mine mind with interest......Might it be from thy scythe here? Is it the voices of evil souls suffering in the shadows of thy scythe? .....or merely the wind of this dreary night that pass mine ears from hearing things?

Death placed his scythe closer on to mine neck.


Girl: .......

Vince: Answer me!!!

Girl: ......mine gender be female. I am nothing more, Nothing less.


His loud outburst practically shook the very surface of this dream scape.
This be the death that rules with life? Mine mother be very patient and not ever lose her cool around this being.

Girl: thou high on thine own ego, dear death? Thou dost not frighten me in the slightest.....but mine words tell nothing but truths. I be nameless. Nothing more than a feminine soul roaming within thy dream land.

Vince: oh, So your a roaming soul within my dreams?....fine, then I'll get rid of you!!

I swiftly grabbed hold of the blade of the scythe before it pierced mine neck, holding it back with force.

Girl: here, I be a soul, but mine body is in the real world....

Vince: what?!

I clenched the blade so tightly within my grasp that I broke the sharp blade.

Vince: little...

Girl: Lay not a hand upon mine soul, or thou shall pay with price most dear!

Vince: ugh...why are you even in my dream scape!?

Girl: alas, I cannot give thee an answer that will satisfy thy heart.
Mine abilities be not strong enough to perform such a task as to stay out of thy dreams for some reason. Mine soul is stuck here temporarily, so thy are stuck with me for a while.
I can only leave your realm temporarily before mine soul is sent back.

Vince: basically, I'm stuck with you?!

Girl: did thy not hear correctly?...yes, but temporarily. I just met thee and I can't stand thee.

Vince: ugh...

Girl: Ah, something we have in common....

Vince: I swear to my creator, when I find you, I'll kill you!!

Girl: hmph. Haha...hahaha, humorous....but Good luck.

It's quite easy to anger dear death. He really must control his temper or it shall be his downfall.

Suddenly, Death's lips turned to a wide grin. Confusing me.

Girl: ...what hast thee grinning?

Unknown to my presence, behind mine back crept beast of complete darkness, evil spirits, lost souls.
****mei's POV****

Mei: ow...!

Raizel: ....are you alright, mei?

Mei: ....yeah...the tea was too hot. I burned my lip, that's all.

Raizel: .....

Mei: ...

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