chapter 94

874 21 3

Seira was helping Mei in her room. Holding her hand and helping her breath, keeping Mei calm.

Mei: ...haa...haa...haa...

Seira: That's it Mei, just keep breathing and stay calm.

Mei: ......

Regis and the others were helping as well, but were all in a state of panic trying to figure out what to do.

Along next to Mei were both kaname and Yuuki. Their faces giving a look of sadness and failure. The feeling as if they were broken.

Yuuki: mother.....we're sorry.

Kaname: ....we couldn't...

Mei looked over at them. stuggling, but able to manage a smile to them.

Mei: did...your best. I'm so proud of you both.

Both: ....

Mei looked back over and up at Seira.

Mei: uh...seira....I have...a request.

Seira: ....?

Mei: please....can you and the me to the garden.

Seira: ....?

They all head over in a group towards Mei's garden, making sure she was okay and of they needed to head back of necessary.
Once there, Mei started to get chills. She felt fear, because she knew the situation she put herself in would either kill herself, or even kill the two children she's carrying. Yet she remained strong and determined.

Mei: ...thank you...

Seira: mei, you are too close from giving birth. You must get back to the bed immediately...

Mei: no....I'm fine. I'm fine with has to be this way.

Mei turned back and looked at them with deep concern.

Mei: now...I'd advise you all, for your own safety, to leave.

Regis: what? But we can't leave you here when your like this.

Mei: hmph. I understand...but right now. Your all only in my way.

Out in the distance of the field, Vince could be seen. A circle of dead flowers around him.

Then, in one step, he charged right at Mei.

Regis: look out!!

In a flash, Kaname and Yuuki appeared to protect Mei. Kaname stopping vince's scythe with his hand and Yuuki protecting Mei.


Vince laughed.

Vince: think I'll let two inexperienced brats like you tell me what to do!! your weak. Pathetic! Useless!! I'LL PUT YOU IN YOUR PLACE!!

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang