Chapter 28

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Its been very peaceful the last few days. But even I know it won't last this long.
After class, me and Rai were in Frankenstein's office to eat snacks. But I felt tense.
I turned my head to look out the window. I nearly shouted when I saw.

A clan leader...?

Gejutel R. Landegre

And M-21, Rai, and Takio were out there with him. Not good.

I bit one of the nails of my fingers.

Frankenstein: is everything alright, mistress.

Mei: .....
Frankenstein had went on ahead home before me and Rai. Most likely with Seira and Regis, that are already there.
Me and Rai walked home.

Mei: ....everything will be okay.....right, Rai?

Rai: ...only you would know. You are unsure?

Mei: ....

I'm very unsure. Especially, if this situation has something to do with my prophetic dream.
When me and Rai finally arrived to the door of the house, we could sense a lot of energy being emitted but then it stopped. I opened the door and stepped in, as I thought, Gejutel R. Landegre.

Gejutel: ....

Raizel: it's been a while, Gejutel R. Landegre.

Gejutel: seems so.
I don't know about everyone else. But I feel a little awkward here.

Gejutel: Raizel. Mei. Where and what have you both been doing for all this time?

Raizel: until recently, we were both sleeping.

Gejutel: what? Then the reason you both suddenly were sleeping for 820 years?

Mei: yes.

Frankenstein: I only met the master and mistress some time ago. After I found out the truth I was surprised as well.

Gejutel: to be sleeping that long...

Frankenstein: Gejutel. Not to long ago, I saw Seira wielding the death scythe. For her to be wielding the death scythe means that she is the head of the royal family. Isn't it a but early for the old family leader to give her the position of family leader?

Gejutel: Seira...she's such a poor child. She has assumed the responsability of her family by herself for over 100 years.

Frankenstein: what are you saying? Don't tell me you mean...

Gejutel: right now, the only member of the royal family is Seira.

Frankenstein: does that mean the royal family collapsed? Then what about the old head? What happened to him?

Gejutel: Frankenstein. The head of the royal family that you know returned to the earth.

Frankenstein: what?

Gejutel: along with my son.

Mei: .....

Frankenstein: Gejutel. Just...what exactly has happened?

Gejutel: even after Raizel and Mei hid himself from us there there weren't any real changes. However, 500 years ago, Lord went into his eternal slumber and there have been many changes.

I stiffened when he said that.

Frankenstein: lord did? Well...he has been around for quite some time. Considering such a person went to his eternal slumber its inevitable that there would be changes. It wouldn't be surprising of chaos ensured.

Gejutel: right. Frankenstein. What you say is true. Because Lord was on this earth for so long, his empty space couldn't help but be big.

Raizel: that Lord has gone to his eternal slumber....

Gejutel: yes. Before he went to his sleep, he said that he wishes to see you both.

Mei: ....

The Lord wanted to see us befor he went to sleep.....Vince didn't tell me that.

Gejutel: Raizel, Mei, do you have no intentions of coming back?

It had turned silent for a moment.

Gejutel: it seems I've asked a foolish question. If I had wished to come back, you wouldn't have stated here after awakening. Its not that I expected an answer but...

Raizel: for now....

Mei: ...?

Raizel: we plan on staying here for now.

Gejutel: ....I understand.

I stood up from where I was sitting.

Mei: excuse me, but I must take my leave. Gejutel R. Landegre, it was nice to see you again after a long time.....

Gejutel: are still continuing you duties as Life with Death?

Mei: unfortunately....I'll be back before the kids arrive Frankenstein.
Mei: anything on Dr. Aris?

Vince: unfortunately, she didn't die...not yet anyway. Her body and mind are completely unstable at this point, she won't be a problem for a while.....

Mei: that's kind of good news, I guess.

Vince: I've sensed that Gejutel R. Landegre has come into town.
I'm guessing he held you all about the previous lord?

Mei: yeah. Now Frankenstein and Rai knows......

Vince: are you going to be returning to lukedonia any time soon?

Mei: according to Rai were going to stay here for now....although, I'm sure of we go back....

Vince: that prophetic dream will come true?

Mei:, we'll run into....her.

Vince: hmm...well, not my problem.....Mei, stop pretending to act like a human.

Mei: but I am human.

Vince: you, as well as I, only appear to be human. We may have the bodies....but not the souls. We are literally everything that lives ....And dies. When will you realize this?

Mei: ....

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