Chapter 1

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*** Please note that this is the UNEDITED version of Invoke***

To retrieve the edited version, please head on over to Amazon. Thank you to each and every soul that has read, supported and voted for my story. I am genuinely grateful. Here is the link to the edited version of Scarlett and Aiden's story.

                                                            Chapter 1

The drive up the road was serene. There were oak trees flanking each side, giving off glimpses of the sun that shined through their immense branches. Scarlett had the windows down in her old Chevy truck, allowing the wind to carry her long dark hair. She narrowed her green eyes, quickly glancing at the swirl of dust in the rear view mirror. The Willie Nelson song that was playing seemed to fade away as the house before her came into sight.

The house stood grandly. Its impressive size was magnificent. It was a Victorian home, grandeur and quite adequate for a South Carolina residence. Its ornate structure was white, with large columns that were unyielding to the years. However, the paint was chipping, and the shutters that she thought were once ebony black, were now a storm gray.

It was old, mid 19th century, and needed a lot of work, but that didn't sway her decision to buy it. She was drawn to it. When she saw it for sale, immediately she knew it was hers to claim. She turned the truck off and sat for a moment, engrossed in the historical beauty of what stood before her. Her eyes shifted to the windows, and carefully calculating expenses in her mind, she was certain she would be depleting just about all of her savings on the renovations alone.

Scarlett walked up to the porch and opened the oak door, then proceeded through the foyer toward the kitchen. Her footsteps echoed throughout, creating a chilling noise. She put the bags of food on the counter and started to unload them. Soon, her friend Grace would be over to help her get settled. For now, a sandwich was in order, and exploration was due.

The house was silent. The only sound was Scarlett's boots striking the floor and the ticking of a clock coming from the ballroom. Scarlett approached the stairwell, its mahogany steps worn from time. Her hand gently glided on the railing as she crested the aged steps — all the while her mind envisioning time past and what it was like for the family that dwelled here before her.

There were five rooms upstairs; each an impressive size, but the master bedroom was her destination. The door made a sound of protest upon entering. This was her room, her very own sanctuary...

A fireplace adorned the east wall, and all the original furniture still remained. Dust was quite prominent. Flecks of it could be seen floating in the air as the sun streamed through the pane glass windows. Scarlett took a bite of her sandwich and surveyed her room. She walked around, noticing the repairs needed. It would take a while, but she knew someday this place would shine. She plopped down onto the bed, taking immediate notice of how hushed the room suddenly became.

Uncomfortably hushed...

The quiet was loud. It was as deafening as a thunderstorm on a summer night. Scarlett looked around her, an uneasy feeling invading her senses. The air swiftly chilled, and a buzz of electricity seemed to penetrate her being, causing her heart to beat rapidly against her breast. The air seemed to hiss, and she could suddenly hear whispers throughout. Surely, someone was here.

She attempted to get up, but something seemed to constrain her there — a force that she could not see nor touch. Around her the room became hazy, and another seemed to take form. The furniture was set up different. There was an armoire to the west of the room that was not there before. There were things; personal belongings, she could see but were not her own. A breeze licked the air then, causing Scarlett to shiver.

She wanted to move — to escape, but she was held fast by the images before her. As if on cue, the door to the room shut with a calm force. The air hummed with power, and images of people invaded the quarters.

As if watching a film, Scarlett was witnessing what she thought was real, but certainly what she didn't want to believe was true. Her blood was pumping loudly in her veins, the strum of it driving in her ears. There was a couple that stood before her, laughing and holding hands. They were dressed in attire that was refined, and certainly not of this era. He was tall and striking, with dark brown hair, and her, with raven black hair that cascaded like a waterfall down the length of her back.

Their images were blurred, and Scarlett was unable to make out their faces clearly, only their defined profiles.

The lady was touching his cheek with the palm of her hand, a simple gesture of adoration. The man grasped it gently and placed a kiss upon the center. He then took out a silver necklace from his cravat and presented it to her. She looked down and smiled, wrapping her arms around him tightly. Scarlett could hear her laughter and the man's tone of voice. She actually felt the joy of the two as if it were her very own.

Then as if on cue, the man and woman stopped short by their sense of knowing someone was there. Someone witnessing their moment... Both the man and the woman turned and looked at Scarlett — as if the dimensions of that time and this one were merged as one for a moment.

Like an arrow striking Scarlett, her body shook with fear and confusion, warm tears threatened to spill forth. Then as fast as the vision came, it was gone. The quiet returned, and she was now alone.

Scarlett was shaking. She stood suddenly and wanted to run, but the fear was void now. A sense of dead calm seemed to fill her. She sat back down, attempting to gather her thoughts. Her hands covered her face, her attempt to gain composure. She then opened her eyes, taking a deep needed breath then. The glare from the sun was flooding the room, providing her with peace and light. The dark always placed fear within her, so she whispered a thank you onto the air for it and stood.

Maybe her plan had failed... Perhaps the gift she so longed to bury had returned.

Scarlett's boots struck the hardwood floor. Its sound again, echoing throughout the confines of the room. Then she paused at the door that was now open. Her hand touched the handle, her fingers skimming against the cold of it.

Her breath caught within the center of her chest — stifled from what was there.

Upon it hung a delicate locket, a dull silver with elaborate engraving on a simple chain. Scarlett removed it and placed it into her palm. She then, very carefully, opened the locket itself.

Reality and fiction clashed into her mind, her eyes growing wide with anticipation and then alarm.

Like a swift blow, darkness descended onto her, taking her into a place where mind and thought were no more.

The picture was of her...

Authors Note:

Thank you so much for reading this chapter of Invoke. If you enjoyed it, it would be wonderful if you could vote. Feel free to leave comments as well. I answer every one. And last of all, if you follow me, you will find out right away when there are updates or new stories.



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